
"The Pod" is probably my second favorite Ween record (after "C&C"), but no way would I play that for a newbie first. I fell in love with that record during one of the worst times of my life, and I don't think that's a coincidence.

Sorry dudes, I was joking. Looks like some commenters can't take a little of what they dish out.

But, as a grown adult, you do call yourself "Internet Shithead" and make patronizing statements under the cover of anonymity. You are clearly made of the strongest material, sir.

Thanks for the kind words, 37th Chamber. I just enjoy mixing it up with commenters every now and then. It's a fun way to procrastinate. Speaking of which, I should probably get back to work. But thanks everyone for commenting—even the ones who annoy me. ;)

If by "pretty much everyone" you mean the very small minority of commenters who complain constantly about grades (as opposed to the vast majority of our readers who get it), then I guess you're right. But I'm telling you: A B+ is a really good grade. We try to reserve A- for records the writer thinks will rank among

If you really want to go to the trouble of setting up phony email accounts in order to post "nasty shit" in our comments section, I really think your time would be better spent elsewhere. Like a dating site.

That's your scale, not ours, W.

Very, very soon.

You guys must've had some demanding parents. A B+ is really a good grade. This may not be true on the internet, but there are varying shades like and dislike, not just black-and-white love/hatred.

Cramming down your throat = "here, give this a listen if you want. We like it, we thought you might, too. If not, no problem."

Also, I'd say this band is about as good as Dawes, but in a totally different way.

Hm, not sure "Quarky Pigeon" and "Wrath Of Kong" should be mocking band names, but to each his own!

Where's the like button for Avon's comment?

I'm not being snarky.

Yeah, that's definitely what Noel was saying (in addition to them not rocking). And I'm hinting at the same thing in the final part of my essay.

Where's the "like" button?

Oh, I'm not resentful. That line was sort of a throwaway joke anticipating exactly what happened: People calling me names for having certain opinions. I laugh it off, because you have to, but I totally appreciate people reading and commenting, especially when they read AND THEN comment.

I know, but there's no five-album run without Amnesiac.

And that's my cue to exist the comments section. Have fun discussing this everybody.