


Ha! Actually, I left The A.V. Club last month and I'm now working as a freelancer for various places. Marah Eakin is the current music editor.

Ha! Actually, I left The A.V. Club last month and I'm now working as a freelancer for various places. Marah Eakin is the current music editor.

Ha! We'll see …

Ha! We'll see …

I'll never forget the day I was put down by a guy named Just A Nigga That Likes Tittie.

I'll never forget the day I was put down by a guy named Just A Nigga That Likes Tittie.

You're hired.

When I interviewed Tillman, he said he was living in a small shack behind some dude's house. He's also pretty flush with Fleet Foxes bucks, so there's that.

Yep, I was gonna mention Mikal Cronin and didn't, but that album is indeed great.

Father John Misty comes out today, so that'll be on the May list. And Gentleman Jesse wasn't on Rdio!

I probably didn't write this as clearly as I intended. I meant to suggest that she reminded me of a different set of artists from around the same period, not that they happened concurrently with Britney/Xtina. Koski and I just bickered about this over IM for 10 minutes, and she set me straight.

You might get your wish in some form or another very soon.

I was born in 1977.

I appreciate that you no longer think I'm a "fucking asshole."

Actually, I think it would be more disrespectful to focus only on his death rather than lead with what he was known for in his life.. At any rate, no disrespect was intended.

Part 5 is devoted solely to FABLES.

For sure. As I wrote above, my baggage going into the record definitely influenced my initial opinion. I mean, I still think MURMUR is unlike any other REM album, even the ones made around the same time. I adore it now, but RECKONING seemed more immediate, both then and now.

Yep, it's been fixed. Should have said "penned," not "sung."