
Wow, that's a really bizarre reading of what I wrote.

Very true. I really like it, though I probably give it extra points just for being a bit of a curveball in his discography.

You should read the whole story!

Ha, now I know who you are! The Elitist Trash identity is revealed.

Dude, I said "at the time." That was 15 years ago. Much has changed since then.

Do it! You can find this album for $2 at most used CD stores.

Were you at Frank's Power Plant? I drank way too much that night because the band was so good.

It's something insecure people do when they're young. We can't all be as confident as anonymous commenters on the internet. ;)


I actually was going to write about Big KRIT, because we didn't review the record and it really is great, but that album got a lot of love on the mid-year lists. But, yes, definitely download it, everybody. It's very good.

This is a meme I actually enjoy seeing in the comments. Thanks for keeping it alive.

I'm probably only the third most jaded and pretentious person in this thread. But I understand your point: It's time for me exit this comments section. Hope you had a good weekend, fellas!

P.S. I love "Star Wars," by the way. But let's not pretend our childhood obsessions are "deeper," dudes.

"Star Wars" is not complicated, and it was created for a major corporation in order to get people to spend a lot of money and nothing more. Just because you happen to like it doesn't change that. Also, "something designed pretty much entirely to get teenage girls hormones raging" is pretty much the definition of rock

I think it's definitely a self-created thing. The way Wu Lyf has presented itself has been pretty deliberate and, to their credit, very effective. But let me be clear: I gave this record a C+ because the music itself is pretty average and overly reliant on referencing superior bands. I don't think it's a bad record,

I think the marketing of this band is relevant because I don't think the music itself justifies the hype Wu Lyf has been getting. The image of this band is a lot more interesting and alluring than the actual tunes, which are all surface and no depth. It's Indie Rock By Numbers.

That's my motto!

I haven't, but it sounds like I should.

Yeah, I'm planning on seeing the Chicago show. I felt super bad about missing the NXNE gig.

I love Canada. Great bands, great people. And Toronto is very cool.