Protip: If it’s illegal for you to turn left, its illegal to make a U-turn. So all you in the turn lane who U-turn when you have a red light, you are not only being incredibly dangerous, but also breaking the law.
Protip: If it’s illegal for you to turn left, its illegal to make a U-turn. So all you in the turn lane who U-turn when you have a red light, you are not only being incredibly dangerous, but also breaking the law.
Blue Screen of Death Error Code 124 - Hardware Failure
Its all bullshot. Doctored at best, completely fake at worst. Still, looks like a fun game.
Boy the solution to lack of backwards compatibility in new consoles sure has been lucrative for game companies.
Still too much wrong with the game to drop another $60. I'll pick it up on a steam sale when its less than 10 dollars and the community actually fixes the bugs with it.
My GF has high blood pressure and trying to find a lunch meat that wasn't 99% sodium by volume is impossible in the US. Apparently salt = flavor for meat.
$100 and I have yet to buy a Wii-U.
$160 so far, might spend another 60 this month and pick up Shadow of Mordor.. Destiny was a flop, but Second Son was awesome.
What this actually is: A way for people who come back to undelete their old characters who hit lvl 60 before you started playing.
Why? Too easy? Too exact? It may not be fair to use in a costume contest but there's still a lot more to it than download and print. Every person's size and shape is different, and creativity still counts for a lot more than accuracy.
I'm sorry but I'm done with Destiny. I wanted a story, not a loot grind. I don't know if I was misled or I just didn't read it right but I'm not going to spend weeks farming rep, farming engrams, or farming crucible.
As if the Horrible Matchmaking and spotty netcode weren't enough. Ah well maybe some of the lvl 5s on my control team will cheat and we might win against the lvl 25s on the other team before I get sent back into orbit for losing connection to the servers.
You know what would be good? If they made this a "New 3DS" instead of a New (old) 3DS. But hey, I like the paint job.
I'll be happy when there are no drivers..
Fool Me once, Xperia Play, shame on you. Fool Me twice, I'm stupid and broke.. No thanks.
Where's the Coolest Cosplay at Dragon*Con day 1 -4? I'm sure its just taking longer to compile, Kotaku.
White people have no substitute for endearment that black people have appropriated from the N-word. So growing up with the culture, they want to express themselves as their peers and idols. Unfortunately it is taken as a slur, even when it is not used as such, and people get angry. I don't know how I feel about it,…
Must be online only, cause no Gamestops within a 100 mile radius will touch anything older than Xbox 360.
Is that the Collectors edition box for WOD? Its so ugly compared to the simple elegance of the first collectors editions.
Do you just test, or design testing strategies for games? Do you get paid well for the area you work in? Do you get overtime, and how often do you need to stay late?