You know what would be good? If they made this a "New 3DS" instead of a New (old) 3DS. But hey, I like the paint job.
You know what would be good? If they made this a "New 3DS" instead of a New (old) 3DS. But hey, I like the paint job.
I'll be happy when there are no drivers..
Fool Me once, Xperia Play, shame on you. Fool Me twice, I'm stupid and broke.. No thanks.
Where's the Coolest Cosplay at Dragon*Con day 1 -4? I'm sure its just taking longer to compile, Kotaku.
White people have no substitute for endearment that black people have appropriated from the N-word. So growing up with the culture, they want to express themselves as their peers and idols. Unfortunately it is taken as a slur, even when it is not used as such, and people get angry. I don't know how I feel about it,…
Must be online only, cause no Gamestops within a 100 mile radius will touch anything older than Xbox 360.
Is that the Collectors edition box for WOD? Its so ugly compared to the simple elegance of the first collectors editions.
Do you just test, or design testing strategies for games? Do you get paid well for the area you work in? Do you get overtime, and how often do you need to stay late?
Do you just test, or design testing strategies for games? Do you get paid well for the area you work in? Do you get overtime, and how often do you need to stay late?
...made the website I love look bad, and I made my profession look bad.
From what I understand the Tolkien Estate still retains the rights to Simarillion and after all the legal wrangling (WB was supposed to do 1 Hobbit movie and yet did 3) I seriously doubt there will be any further selling of movie rights.
And some members of the Japanese media have pointed out that the suspect and the victim might have shared a love of anime.
Downloadable Title
Cops are trained to take control of situations, I don't know how many of those times it results in de-escalation, but people usually video tape the escalations, and there's a ton of them.
*shrugs* I've been playing KH2 on the PS3 since 2007
Another Parody account.. look up "Mom's against Anime" for more shenanigans..
Probably an alternate universe where trunks died instead of Gohan.
I've never heard of the original producer being responsible for resale value. By that notion releasing a cheaper, better, new model would be grounds for a lawsuit. This will probably be dismissed, GM sells cars, not investment vehicles.
Men are more comfortable with certain household chores being delayed than women. Not that its a good thing to let dishes set and trash pile up, but most guys I know don't like to deal with it until its a problem.
We need an Uncharted 4 about as much as we needed a Halo 4, or a Gears of War 4.