Dude should have actually watched Tron or Tron Legacy and took all the design cues from that. I'll admit, its a good start. But the architecture is no where near the level that would make it worthwhile.
Dude should have actually watched Tron or Tron Legacy and took all the design cues from that. I'll admit, its a good start. But the architecture is no where near the level that would make it worthwhile.
I'll be sure to pick it up after the first price drop. Its still a system trying to play catchup with the others and throwing a tablet in with it isn't going to help the gameplay much, if at all.
Its not available for 2 reasons.
Its not Mandarin. It's someone sneaking into the Mandarin's lair who happens to have a Captain (or Avenger Tattoo) on his neck.
I feel bad for the goth couple when those boots come off, he must be like a foot shorter than his woman.
At least its one of the crappy portal replicas and not the excellent original run.
I'm glad NOTHING is doing so well. None of these games are GOTY contenders. The idea that you should go out on release day and pick up every game that's remotely good might be what the "industry" wants, but is completely mental from a consumer standpoint.
Honestly these days I'm more surprised when a company doesn't try to milk a game for $20-30 extra dollars after we've already gotten sick of it and moved on.
The film was fun but mostly unrealistic when it came to people, like everyone in the movie was moving through unrealistic emotions and actions just to make Liam Neeson's character that much more of a bad ass.
And Sony quietly hides the mangled corpse of the xperia play behind the dumpster and reminds everyone that "Things will be different this time".
The problem with Morrowind wasn't the landscape, which surprises me that its the only thing that ever gets overhauled.
I think its decent, but not great. The problem is we've already got Mortal Kombat. This game seems like MK with DC hero skins. The moves are just too similar, but the problem is, they are restricted by the genre to begin with.
The worst way is law makers who are clearly in the pockets of media corporations. SOPA, CISPAA, all of those are more detrimental to the internet than hackers and spammers.
Fool Me once, Shame on you.
I really want to do a Saren costume one of these days. The articulation alone would take months.
When I hear "Mansplaining" and "Check your privilege", I know the discussion has reached a point where normal, rational arguments are not going to be welcome.
Capcom being Capcom. Instead of focusing on creating compelling content they focus on what they know will absolutely sell and then monetizing the hell out of it in a way that is detrimental to the overall experience.
Caverns of Time had lots of story.
That's where you try and bottleneck whenever possible. Assassin is about knowing your enemies, knowing the layout, and exploiting every advantage.
Got tired of waving the virtual e-peen in online games. Warcraft was great for exploration and experiencing the fantastic world they created until after BC when it became more about min-maxing your stats and not being able to do 90% of the added story until they casualized it in Cataclysm.