Steven Hott

@trunkenmath: Because you need something to play while you wait for new games to come out.

So when I want to play a game that's no longer being sold, I should just send money to the lead designer, and hope a copy arrives in my mail box?

I don't know what it is but the game just has a clay feeling to it. Maybe its the shaping, or the texture, but I can't really shake it. I'm sure it'll be great, but its the little things that bother me.

@Afrocass: I believe there was a rumor going around that games would be released on memory stick.

Hopefully Sony will unvail their $500 gaming system that will make people save up to buy, so that we can all get on with our lives and not buy it.

The 3DS is new coke. Everyone will hate it and want Nintendo to go back to its roots, and Nintendo will release the Gameboy Pro or something and sell 50 million.

@Lord_Conflict: I thought about getting it. But then I thought, There's no where in My house I could realistically fit a 73" tv.. they have other versions as well, but even so.. no room for more TVs.

if paper mario is a new entry consider me sold.

@Son-of-MonsterChalk: I guess I should explain my stance. Lets take a few games in the past: Crysis Warhead, Red Alert 3, Lost Planet 2. Bioshock 2, Bayonetta, etc.

What is it with companies being downright scared of putting their game into the $10 range? They think people will get the impression that its not a good game?

I'd rather have a FFVI, FFVII, and FFVIII, and FFIX remake.

@LocarionStorm: His opinion on a blog site is actually much more powerful than "his wallet", so to speak. Its one of the few times in life that's true.

@Mekkakat: I could totally eat 100 boxes of Boo Berry.

@stranger: I agree the color palate sucks, but remember:

@iDerrick: Yeah, he's been a character in them since as long as I can remember. And yes, that was a metroid background.

@Taggart6: DS Lite user? I was a DS Fat user that decided the DSlite and Dsi just weren't good enough of upgrades.

I would like to be able to switch to gamefaqs and mow through those RPGS with walkthroughs and tips.

@GamerKT: I paid $499 for my iphone. I carry it around everywhere.

Seems like I'm gonna have to buy 2 batteries for this thing

@RRW: for launch, I'm sorry for any confusion.