Steven Hott

I have an original PS3, and mine doesn't have a cover that goes over the slots.

@Kariodude: Your Xbox Live: Gold membership money at work.

@Fredrik1ST: Developing it for every system costs money now, and is handled by developers. Selling the rights to an exclusive makes money now, and is handled by someone other than the developers.

@GohanEgret: Those units are per a fiscal year, and Japan sales are like 240,000

@KingHippo: I don't see it as being that crazy. The wii is/was a lot cheaper than other consoles. I could have gotten 2 of them for what the PS3 was selling for back before the price cuts.

I've yet to play this game. My Wii collection is the smallest (well, besides the virtual boy collection, of course)

This game is rated F for Fatwa.

Just goes to show you, people don't want new peripherals and new games, they just want new colors.

@John_Oval: The only reason that matters is money. Which is why they wont.

I only buy PC games new because no one sells used PC games. I won't pay 60 for anything less than Blizzard though.

@Soupypops: The trick is to group the xbox games by price, then order them all. No worrying about gamestop giving the cheap free ones and charging for everything else.

The original games get slashed, but the DLC still costs more than the game.

$29.99 Red Dead Redemption,


This game looks like Kingdom Hearts for the Wii.

@roseofmay: Well, its more for the social aspect... AS IT SHOULD BE. Kinda like going to the midnight release of a movie.

@I'm leaving a: He was being "tongue in cheek", for lack of a better phrase.

@CommodoreRake: Sorta how they've been doing it on the DS all along.

@PATRICK SWAYZE 2.0: I have an account and I won't download this game. It pretty much sucks.

@Destati: The problem is the margins are already slim on these things. Any less and they' be losing money.