
Romero's social commentary is on the level of a surly teenager.

I loved the first season, but stopped watching early in season 3. I thought the plot had become way too convoluted and messy and I didn't want to go through another show where the writers are just throwing in more and more mysteries and confusion all the time without having any logical end game in sight. Should I

I have a hard time deciding what I like the least. The annoying characters or the underwhelming mist.

Agree. I had vaguely been looking forward to a new Star Trek, but I'll give this a pass. It feels so backwards to have a show that isn't further into the future than the last show.

The real crime here is how unfunny it is. Bill should let Sarah Silverman give him a lesson in how to tell funny racist jokes.

Not a movie, but I got to say Ross and Rachel from friends. Throughout the show they showed nothing but contempt for eachother's passions/careers. Ross couldn't care less about fashion and it's the same for Rachel and paleontology. They are just too different and the fact that Rachel gave up her dream job in Paris

That episode is by far my least favorite episode of Doctor Who and thus I pretend it was all a stupid dream by that annoying student from Coal Hill. Maybe the writer of this episode decided to do the same.

Unless of course elephant is term commonly used in the gay community like bear and otter. I'm going to need the guys on It's Always Sunny in Phildelphia weigh in on this before I pass judgement.

I have faith in this show that they are building up to an end of the season that is explosion of all the tension that has built up over the season.

Thank you. Interesting article.

I would imagine that Hollywood have permanent sets depicting the White House and congress that many shows and movies can share.

The problem I had was that all characters except for Vanessa Hudgens' character were unlikable and only Alan Tudyk's character was unlikable in a funny way.

I read the episode title
"Frank's Wedding' before I read what show it was and for a moment thought that we had a new It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia episode. Then I thought that would be a very interesting crossover.

When we were first introduced to Oleg I thought that he was an oligarch in waiting for sure. He was a bit of a cocky asshole in the beginning and I found it very plausible that he would mainly look out for himself when the Soviet Union falls. Now, I'm not so sure though. He has developed into a very sympathetic

In case anyone is curious:

Billy Bush with the pussy grabbing tape, Kanye showing up at Trump Tower after the election, Tom Arnold who claimed to have tapes of Trump saying a bunch of stuff on the Apprentice and now SJP. Who will be the next random celebrity to show up in Trump headlines?

I've seen every episode so far, but I really can't see any reason to go on. It was the political intrigue that kept me watching, but what kind of intrigue can there be now?

Attacking Piers Morgan makes me like Patton more, but Patton using the word "brekky" makes me like him less.

You know folks, I'm almost starting to think that President Trump might be a little bit rude.

Where is sassy guy with an urban vibe Ben "Stanley Hudson" Carson?