
*Quietly cancels new anime "Super Trump Friend Force!"*

Am I the only one who thought her name was Ada, presumably named after 19th century mathematician and computer pioneer Ada Lovelace?

I thought I knew who Wendy Williams was, but then I realized I was thinking of Vanessa Williams

Dinesh shouldn't have cut Benghazi the Beagle from the movie I guess.

I always supported Inanimate Carbon Rod for the job.

His cover is working as a waiter at an English south coast hotel and pretend to be incompetent.

Just mini binged the four first episodes. Like the show so for, but I wonder about what will happen if they last a few seasons. Will this become a show about stopping 9/11?

Right after the conventions his popularity took a nosedive and that was mostly due to the fight with the parents of the Muslim soldier. Then there was was a slow, but steady increase in popularity that brought him almost even with Clinton and then the crash came in the form of "pussygate".

Period of morning doesn't really apply in a crisis situation.

The Agent Carter reviews is a good example.

I prefer "some guy apparently named Danny Pino"

Twist ending: Negan killed Glenn's dumpster.

You don't have to be a huge conspiracy theorist to believe that there are lots of nasty secrets hiding in bioweapon labs in China, Russia, the US and other countries.

I don't find endless ninjas fighting for a magical and mysterious Asian cult to be offensive, but I do find it trite and boring. Daredevil should just let the Turtles take care of these ninjas and instead go fight an interesting enemy instead.

I suppose that compared to an in-depth historical discussion with experts this format is silly. However, compare this to the stale and also very guest-dependent late night talk show format and this is a much needed breath of fresh air.

I really want to like this show because Melissa is so great as supergirl, but damn it's hard to do with all the clunky writing.

You can take us out of the dome, but you can't take the dome out of us.

Least favourite ship: Narrative Cohesion/Dome

And then he goes to work at the same lumber yard as Dexter.

Last line from Glen should be: Her?