steven [gawker help]

1GB for $20. wow. Again, if you live in a large metro area covered by Clear, just get a regular wi-fi ipad and purchase unlimited 4G coverage (which works via wifi) for $25/month with Clear's iSpot-On-the-Go plan

My reaction to seeing that image on the frontpage was none other than "Holy mother of fuckshit clapdick!"

@BadJoJo: EDIT: Nevermind, ponies beat me to it

@Ding-Dang: Ohhhh, you got your star back! Grats :)

Totally awesome. I'm gonna get this.

@ebay5: /slowclap

@Zonky: go back and re-read my comment reply to you. Because apparently you didn't

@ebay5: Check my reply above. Apparently I was replying based on the information given. It would be a good idea for you not to assume in the future. Thanks.

@Dennis Raver: I was replying based on the info received that it works with 4.0 - 4.1, and didn't mention 4.2.

@a sexy hot dog: OK, lets play your way. Verizon's stock is so sky high that it's been on a steady decline since Tuesday and is at the insanely high price of $32 per share. Apple's has been on a steady rise in that same time frame, now at about $295 per share.

@Zonky: Or the fact that It's written in plain black and white legal court documents that the exclusivity agreement with AT&T was to last 5 years from 2007. Obviously my tinfoil hat is on and this has nothing to do with me citing legal evidence of the matter.

@a sexy hot dog: Yes, cause that's exactly what I said. Word for word. Bravo to you for repeating my post. You couldn't have done it better.

@runplaysleeprun: You keep brand recognition alive in a consumer's head. It's psychological. People get all excited about your product when you do stuff like this and they pay attention to your brand as a whole much more. Doesn't matter if it isn't out yet, you do shit like this to get people on the edge of their

More fed bullshit from Apple's PR just to keep Apple's brand hyped up during the off months. You won't see a Verizon iPhone till summer 2012.

@ITLawMan: HSPA+ is a 3G GSM based tech, not CDMA. It is part of 3GPP which is GSM based, and not 3GPP2 which is the CDMA 2000 equivalent. Furthermore, Qualcomm CDMA Technologies developed it, and that's the name of the company. Doesn't mean it is CDMA tech. Which is why only GSM carriers use HSPA+

All these points are valid but people keep missing the big one: You can't talk and browse on CDMA. Apple's big selling point (there were even commercials about this) for the iPhone was that some guy was talking on the phone and was able to look up the answer to a question his friend had, while still talking to them.

@Curves: Seriously, I'm strangely attracted to it. I'm waiting on the specs cause a CDMA/GSM Android phone is what I need and Verizon is what I have my eyes on