Ha ha ha...it’s so funny the girl running over the boy in context to story because....
Ha ha ha...it’s so funny the girl running over the boy in context to story because....
After reading this and many other examples...It makes sense now when Ferris Bueller said, “Ism’s, in my opinion, are not good. A person should not believe in an ‘ism,’ he should believe in himself.” There’s all this talk about equality, but it just seems that the only equality is being able to apply the same horrible…
As an outside observer it’s just weird how people are unsure about how to talk about it. After a past couple of weeks it sounds like it should be an open and shut case on how to talk about this.
How did they get her driver’s license and passport? Wondering so I can do the Internet equivalent of sitting in a shower and scrubbing obsessively. Aside from that...is she getting all of this because of Ghostbusters.
Why is it trolling? Seems like a legitimate point.
How about Univison? Good way to further an empire right?s
Reading...it seems like a side has to be picked because if a blind eye is turned then it means there are exceptions to the rule. I get the feeling that people are like “this is ambiguous” and doing handwringing because normally reading these kinds of things people would be “fuck this guy.”
How irresponsible because...you know...THE BEARS!!!
I agree with the idea that the writer of this article is going just a little bit too far. Finding that special someone to marry is supposed to be the end all be all for men and women. Supposedly even better than winning the lottery and an Olympic medal which can be sold on eBay.
I don’t know...does that there is going to have to be a greater scrutiny on movies like Ghostbusters where it has to hit all the quadrants?
That’s a bummer there won’t be a Ghostbusters 2. I stayed all the way to the end and was like “Zuul?” Is that going to be a Gatekeeper / Keymaster thing going on?
Just wondering one thing. Does that mean that women fell for all the negative press. If you took out the neckbeards and it was just women with the purchasing power, doesn’t that mean the take should have been much higher? What are the percentage of neckbeards in comparison to the rest of the general audience?
I’ve seen the party line is supposed to be ...but I’m going to go the other way seeing it as people just being weird...or at material to use in a yet to be written Hulu sitcom.
It’s difficult to resolve these emotions because being sexually harassed is not good, but at the same time this feels like karma coming around for the women of FoxNews.
Pretty good at wrecking song lyrics but concerning people wrecking art...
That’s so weird because flying on United they played Deadpool unedited.
Yeah, that seems about right.
It’s just you.
Life is about living in the middle. It’s how shit gets done. Consider what the Centrists in the White House have accomplished.
The people booing Sanders are just fucking children. This is one of the reasons why we can’t have nice things.