
I like this. Instead of complaining people are doing something about it or at least it’s a pincer movement where people are trying to affect change from both the inside and outside.

I figure that it’s only a matter of time before women are conducting Heat style bank robberies.

You know, considering that people tend to have friends that are primarily of the same ethnicity or only date people of the same ethnicity...looking at the picture, I would figure that’s just about right.

Damn patriarchy!!! No wait...what?!!!

I can’t help but advocate for the devil...but I guess I can see why police officers might get a little “butt hurt”’s hard to explain, but the general feeling is that it’s another one of those things where people are going to just polarize themselves and not take the nuanced middle ground. Or maybe let’s just make

Weird because if you do a mad lib and replace “raped” with “shot” you kind of get the NRA / Republican argument about why an assault rifle ban or gun control isn’t good policy because it doesn’t shut down gun crimes 100%.

Just focused on the last part where is on the onus of Young not to cheat. Still seems kind of shitty to be involved with someone who is involve with someone else because the answer seems to be easy and not get involved. Just say “no?”