
This boss fight was wayyy better than the last fight in the game. Super impressed by how it visually looked while I was fighting him.

Cool story. Much better reaction for a post like yours.

Thank you for generalizing my statement even more when I was only talking about myself. It would be different if I said “I dOnT kNoW wHy AnYoNe WoUlD bUy ThIs.” I’m only talking about it from my point of view since I have played most of these titles. I get why others would still get enjoyment from this lineup.

I don’t know what previous generation launch titles look like, but this comes off pretty disappointing in my eyes. Most of these titles have been out for quite sometime. Other than the few like the new Assassins Creed or Yakuza. It’s exciting that the titles are getting upgraded and you don’t have to buy a game a

RIP Good Super Monkey Ball games. I don’t think anything will be better than the second game.

RIP Good Super Monkey Ball games. I don’t think anything will be better than the second game.

I’ve had the odd situation of quitting a final boss. Got through the entire game of Remnant: From the Ashes and thought the bosses were ‘okay,’ but then when the final boss hits I’ve never been so annoyed at a boss mechanically and how the devs made you kill it in a very very specific way. Ruined my experience with

Now playing

Historical inaccuracies don’t bother me. What did really bother me when watching gameplay of the new battlefield were the horrifying cries of the women whenever they were killed or being hurt. I’ll post a video of some gameplay from angryjoe for people who haven’t heard it. Watch this clip at 3:30 and you will

After playing 20 hours of this, I can’t decide whether this is fun. I’ve been yelled at as the director for giving people certain abilities and people have threatened to give me a 1 star rating so I can’t use certain abilities as the director. As a player I find the combat to be all over the place, but still can be

After playing 20 hours of this, I can’t decide whether this is fun. I’ve been yelled at as the director for giving people certain abilities and people have threatened to give me a 1 star rating so I can’t use certain abilities as the director. As a player I find the combat to be all over the place, but still can be

Thank you for linking this Ethan. I’m really enjoying this talk on gaming and how it effects culture.

I think this does help, but to an extent I know that it’s going to be just like any other M rated game where the parent will buy them the game either way. At least the parent will be knowledgeable about gambling/loot-boxes before hand, but parents will most likely give the approval.

I’m glad it looks great, but will there be replayability?

Such a beautiful song!!

Everyone expects this to end up like Dragonball Evolution. Can’t blame them though.

The remix sounds amazing by the way :O

I needed this chill music. This reminds me of the Metroid Prime ost kind of.

Fan Service Done Right: Kill La Kill, Highschool DxD, and Prison School

In order for fan service to feel like it deserves to be in the anime, the anime itself has to be somewhat decent. If the story isn’t good and the only thing that’s going for it is fan service without good character development or even great comedy then it’s going to fail.

Teacher: “Alright students, get out your calculators.”

This just seems like an idea that will die out quickly. The audience for this sort of thing has to be extremely small. By the looks of it, kind of reminds me of the wii fit board.