
I guess there is not much that can do with only 2 or so hours of game award content. If they got rid of the terrible music parts and random sponsor plugs they could have expanded on a lot of better topics.

Honestly, you are right. The Smash scene is just too small compared to the other games shown.

Was really hoping the Smash scene would show up in the esports category other than just HungryBox.

Literally the only new announcement of tonight that got me out of my seat.

I’m very interested in this. Here’s hoping that the cinematic trailer does it some justice.

Such an inspirational speech.

Curators on Steam just seem like a bad idea. Mostly because you can easily drive people away from a game if its not a certain percentage or out right down vote it if it’s not your type of game. Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea of making the public aware of a very bad game. But, I don’t think that functionality

If they would have kept the same characters it could have been wayy better.

Where is Natsume??? I almost forgot! You can’t have a must watch list in 2016 without Natsume.

I was going to try and argue as to why WWW.Wagnaria isn’t on the list, but I can understand why.

Luke, how much are you getting paid to make that statement? ;D

“Water gun” I see a milk gun, not sure about anyone else here.

Not available in my country :( NOOOOO

No way haha. This made my night ten times better.

How far can we go to milk this series? Next up......The Walking Dead: Run Away From Zombies and Jump Over Obstacles. Only on Mobile. Defining the new genre in running simulators on your phone.


Honestly, I thought this game has been dead for quite sometime. I didn’t expect there was a community for it to this day.

Patricia Hernandez, would you be willing to hire someone who is currently in college and can work/write on the weekends? I have no work experience when it comes down to being a writer but would love to work with you guys. Been a fan for a good 5 years now and love reading all of your articles.

I wish they would make a Sonic Adventure 3. Longer tracks where you can actually feel like your going fast. I dont mind the platforming but just too much ruins it for me, ya know? Bring back the little Chaos you could raise! Feeding your Chao those random animals to make it stronger and then have them fight each other

Yess!! Now I’m just waiting on the anime..