
Men’s Swimming Olympic Gold Medals since 1896:

When [Modest Mouse lead singer Isaac] Brock left the scene he backed into a cop car, but he just drove off. Sometimes life is okay.

Do you feel in control?

That was my impression when I first saw one - the driver was just a little head sticking up in front of a relatively tall bloated rump. Not a good look for a roadster.

Oh great, jellyfish have learned how to post internet comments.

“I didn’t put it in front of winning, but I think we all have things that we have to do. There has to be a line somewhere, and that’s what ended up happening.”

You’re only “subsidizing a rich man’s plaything” if this car results in an increase in costs to other Ford vehicles which you may buy. I can’t imagine Ford ever compromising volume vehicle sales to protect a loss leader supercar, so that’s not going to happen.

Batman has called, he wants his car back.

With Rose and Noah, the Knicks are getting really close to acquiring two functioning knees.

Vince Vaughn’s head is already mascot-sized and he needs the work.

still wish they made ‘Diss Ass instead

Take THAT, Chilton manuals!

Funny how if you’re going to be an annoying fuckstick, you should probably try to actually be right!

I’d paint everything this color.

Alternate Headline

I’m not a legal expert, but I’m like 99% sure he’ll end up being forced to coach a hocky team of ragtag misfits. From what I’ve seen in the movies it usually works out surprisingly well.

Blink-182 had the same problem, if I remember correctly.

They took out all the self checkout lanes from the Jewel and CVS by my place. They’re making me talk to people. *shudders*

Sic burn.