Apparently, I have driven more than one of this guy’s cars, including my current CTS. Love your work and thanks very much!
Apparently, I have driven more than one of this guy’s cars, including my current CTS. Love your work and thanks very much!
So he's Jewish??
“Fuck. So close.”
I had the pleasure of meeting Mr Welburn a number of years back. He was one of the most chilled, laid-back, and clearly very talented guys I’ve met. Amazing too given that he rose through the ranks almost from the ground-up. Ed, if you’re reading this- congratulations. A retirement well deserved.
I’m really confused here.
I’m going to just repost what I said yesterday over on Gawker’s article. I’ve highlighted the part that any anti-vaxxer reading this should pay close attention to.
Go take your crazy anti-vax somewhere else. Actually, don’t. Because when you refuse to vaccinate your children you are putting the entire population at risk. Guess what, crazy anti-vax person, YOU are the reason measles and other deadly diseases are making a comeback. YOU are the reason people will die, because you…
[crossfit joke here]
Let’s take away design from your life and see how much you like it
Only recently. In the past, engineers didn’t wear an undeveloped aesthetic sense as a badge of honor, as if it meant they were better at engineering. Which it doesn’t.
Maybe be a little more defensive next time.
That must be the most infuriated she’s been in all her 4 years as a Seahawks fan.
Something French. I vote Citroen SM or C6. I know the C6 was covered a bit here but learning about living with something like that would be great. But the SM is just.... hnnnng. Plus weird French cars, vintage ones at that, will have endless blog fodder.
My biggest question is: “What the hell is a 67 year old lady doing with a Subaru STi?!”
You can try...but its just an electronic suggestion module, not a gear linkage so it’ll act like my 4 year old watching a movie and strait ignore you.
One need look no further than fellow Big Ten school Northwestern University to the west for a shining example of a university that values education over football...
It’s “meh” meets “eew.”
P.S. We get it, you can 3D print a car. Please hire a guy with a sander.