Say! I like fucking. I need to forward this article to the lady wife.
Say! I like fucking. I need to forward this article to the lady wife.
All the driving dynamics of a car with much more utility, often with no penalty in appearance.
I like wagons for a few reasons:
This West Coast bragging and taking credit for things they shouldn't is EXACTLY why we shot Tupac.
This hill is decidedly below average. It is missing all of the following: 1) chain link fence, 2) pavement, 3) alcohol.
Those wheels are literally mesh-style wheels.
Good point. I also don't know where they put the trailer hitch on this thing? How am I going to pull a trailer with this car, if there isn't a hitch?
I mean, the guy wrote the Three Laws Of Motion; who better than he to master hitting apexes, and understanding the physics of his cars.
14 foot snowbanks at the end of the driveway this winter have left me wondering why the hell we even settled in this god-forsaken hellhole to begin with.
I was thinking it sounds like an eighties post-punk band.
Rancid performing ...And Out Come the Wolves! This reminds me of "Drunk Punk Fest" in high school. Basically it was a weekly get together of a bunch of 15 and 16-year-olds at some older dudes' place (read: 18 or 19) and playing a bunch of Op Ivy and Rancid covers in their surprisingly soundproof basement. There would…
I had a Mad Caddies work shirt with their logo embroidered on the back. Mid to late 90's me loved ska punk.
Anticipating stops by engine braking with a manual transmission really gives you a greater feeling of control in bad weather driving. Same for stop and go in dry conditions.
Marc Trestman.
Fucking Tabasco. It's the Toyota Camry of hot sauce. Cholula on eggs/mac and cheese, Tabasco is only for a Bloody Mary.
Look, if I want to hear from a governor who is serious about doughnuts, it's going to be New Jersey.
I'm assuming there is no charcuterie here because there's no competing with a plate of meat.
The original looked very aqua to me, on my screen at least.