
Homemade is ridiculously easy to make. Sugar, water, berries, stir till they pop, chill overnight.

I heard a very white opinion from my crossfit trainer this morning.

I would be livid about this because I have a nut allergy and I love cranberry sauce. 

My mom’s side is from Trinidad and Barbados (great-grandmother from Barbados, great-grandfather from Trinidad) originally. My parents divorced when I was 14. On the years when we saw our mom’s family at Thanksgiving, my dad always, always asked that we bring him back some peas and rice. After a while my grandmother

No nuts in cranberry!

Nuts in cranberry sauce? LEAVE NOW.

White person here, and I assure you that we did not sign off on pineapple in Mac and Cheese. We don’t want that guy either. Everyone knows that you can put meat in Mac and Cheese, but any sort of fruit needs to stay the hell away.

milk, cream and butter are in every white recipe. It goes without saying.

Who invited the white guy?

On further review, I probably could have done better than “Fred” for a British bookmaker/gangster/match fixer. Bollocks.

the club gave him a single task... keep the team in the Premier League, and make sure they stay there.

If he wanted everyone to suck his dick for the mere fact that he was doing his job, Trump should have ditched the Presidency and gone into porn.

Wow your gratitude is cheap.

For the record, the athletes themselves thanked Trump in their statement. It was the father of one of the athletes who downplayed Trump’s role in the incident.

The duly elected leader of a nation is supposed to have more decorum than that.

Old lady here. When I was 22 and starting out as a manager, my first boss said to me—If you have to decide to do something, either do it because it is right or don’t do it because it is wrong. Because if you are doing it in order to be thanked, you are going to have a very fucked-up and unhappy career.

God, why? Why won’t it end? I just want one goddamn person to slap his phone out of his baby hands and tell him to knock off the bullshit. The duly elected leader of a nation is supposed to have more decorum than that. Tin-pot dictators rail against their perceived enemies all the time. Real leaders know when to shut

God bless you and the works you accomplished.

I’ve lost twenty pounds in the past 18 months by not eating like garbage all the time. Emphasis on all. Pretty sure a barrel of cheese balls, which I would love to eat, would not help that.

“Milt Stegall never winning a Grey cup is one of the biggest tragedies of our generation. I’ll hang up and listen to your response.”