Steve Jobed

Have they considered physical therapy or lifting weights? It should be a red flag to someone that they need a vehicle that can just slide into and out of. The inability to do any kind of squat is going to lead to further mobility issues and perhaps hip fractures down the line.

The market for this is some Boomer who doesn’t know how to drive, but his 1960s kid self can take a lot of pride in knowing that he eventually bought the ultimate Mustang. 

All of this just becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, where manuals die off because no one makes them. As less of them are made, less people know how to drive them, less are bought, less get made, less people know how to drive them, etc.

I have to assume the reason this looks so good and so retro is that it doesn’t have a modern safety setup. Where are the crumple zones?

Why does the monthly payment matter? Shouldn’t the only price that really matters is the price out the door?

Matt Gaetz’s wife is 20 years older than expected.

Is the motor home sentient?!

5,000 steps? Those are rookie numbers in this racket. You need to pump those numbers up. 10,000 is a bad day. 5,000 is barely living. 

I think points should be awarded for achieving the current idea of a grand slam, which is really hard to do. It’s how I judge Max currently. He should win, but can he dominate everything?

I think points should be awarded for achieving the current idea of a grand slam, which is really hard to do. It’s how I judge Max currently. He should win, but can he dominate everything?

The state has an interest in discouraging other people from doing similar stuff that results in death. This applies to anything. Discouraging parents from doing risky things that result in death of their children is a good thing.

It’s insanely dumb that they have horse drawn carriages though. Everything else about the island is a treat. 

There is a world of a difference. E-bikes can go incredibly fast and they accelerate incredibly quickly. Only very experienced and in-shape bike riders can get a normal bike to go fast. None of them can get one to accelerate quickly.

A big part of it is that it’s hard to isolate fatigue, and there isn’t a lot of data to back up that concept (has someone been running a high quality survey on this for several years?). We have hard data that the quality of Marvel movies has declined, and I think that first and foremost explains some of the issues.

I’m sorry that doesn’t make any sense. 

It seemed like the core issue with this design overall is that they couldn’t model how many cycles it could safely take, unlike steel and titanium. All of them will fail. The difference is you have models of when to expect failure. So, with steel, you could say, the hull and design can take 30 cycles safely. To be

Speak for yourself! I have days (weeks, months, years?) of schadenfreude left to give on this topic!

Why? Safety features are good. 

It is possible that it had a power failure or something along those lines and is actually at the surface, adrift, without radio contact. And — of course — the submersible can’t be opened from the inside, so unless they are found soon, they will run out of oxygen.

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