Steve Gutenberg Press

Heinz is one of the few things I am brand loyal to for whatever reason (growing up with it, others not being the same), but when I tried the Indian Ketchup (the not spicy version) after a suggestion from this very website (before it got fucked by Kinja), I have to admit that stuff is good too.

As stolen from Daily Kos, in Slanglish, Ralph Peters is actually “Vomit Penises”. So, there’s no telling with this guy.

Speaking of Night Court, have you seen Richard Moll lately? He is, in fact, the most interesting man in the world.

The whole point of it is that it is portable and is something that can be charged instead of having to be plugged in. So, in the backyard for example, you could have a large screen (or even an inflatable, portable large screen), set this up in front of it, and let the kids watch a movie. The built-in sound is decent,

The whole point of it is that it is portable and is something that can be charged instead of having to be plugged

The fun part of all of this: the original liner notes for The Sign CD included a thank you to Cubase, the recording software they apparently used during their sessions.

Portability is the whole reason I got this. It’s for my 4 1/2 year old. He loves LEGO City: Undercover and Super Mario Odyssey. He’ll play for an hour or so detached from the TV and then that’s enough (according to me). At that point, I tell him it needs to charge and I get him on to more physical activities.

Are you kidding? As Pete Davidson has reminded us, Jost was on People’s list of sexiest comedy writers (which is apparently true). Pete calmed the audience down by saying it was a low bar, like being called “the smartest horse”, which I have used IRL a few times now.

I haven’t read through all the responses, but you know there are under the counter options for microwaves, right? Keep your counter space (and heat it too, I guess, to complete the saying).

While I really like O’Neal’s writing and nearly every option piece he’s written, I can’t agree with him on The Fall. I’m not one of the Illuminati that “got it”, as it were. From his own description in this article, it’s akin to being an (eventual) Yoko Ono apologist. She just does what she wants, calls it artistic

Now playing

I don’t know. PEte’s bit on Staten Island during Weekend Update was pretty damn hilarious.

The liter of cola and meow gags are nearly worth the price of admission. The full frontal nudity of the big guy wasn’t expected, but it worked (much like it did in Borat). The entire thing is Reno 911 before Reno 911. The whole original movie was pretty damn funny, and I’m not a pot smoker, so who knows. So long as it


The switch to Kinja or whatever the fuck it is called really did fuck up the community this place used to have. I remember logging in every Wednesday looking for the Random Acts of Costanza post and being able to follow and find things in a generally not-shitty way.

That would be because of two things.

For anyone that doesn’t believe this, take a modern game that you can play at 1080p or higher (I play at 2560x1440) and lower it to its lowest resolution and detail settings, usually around 1024x768 now (although some may still allow for 800x600 for some reason). Then play it. Not only does it look like a giant pile


The percentage is now 1.5%. It doesn’t mean Moore can’t ask for a recount, but if he asks his lawyers, once of which is a Jew from what I understand, they will probably tell him that would be a really dumb idea.

I have to question Reid’s computer abilities here. Excel is fairly straightforward and simple for day-to-day tasks. In fact, it’s sort of hard to mess things up, as it tells you if you fucked up a cell before saving it.

I think the disgust over “We Built This City” isn’t necessarily its musical merit (although that is dubious), but rather the context it was written in.

Good ol’ Bobby M.!