Steve Eifert

All I know is that peaches played the theme to Full Frontal. Awesome

I found the whole thing smug. Brit actors mostly acting like white trash. They managed to have that anti-religious vibe Kevin Smith captured — smug hipsters know better than anyone religious. Which is catnip to hipsters but the rest of us are annoyed. Sorry, this show did not work for me. I can't see it possibly

love the pace of these shows. The filler conversations that start like "I used to love TV…" or "I remember when I used to…" followed by a paragraph of dialog to fill time. No one gives a rats ass. We the viewer aren't nostalgic for a pre-zombie world. We are in one. Enough with the filler. No one talks like that

David Lee is now a lumberjack. In my opinion.

the most unintentionally funny scene was when Bond and Macnee go sneaking around in youthful sweatsuits. These old farts popping around in those outfit kills me.

and connery is younger that Roger Moore.

I'm glad they killed off Cuba Gooding Jr.

also "Don't leave the house" five seconds after he tells his son to go outside.

please don't lump "The Mechanic" in with Death Wish. That film is 70s solid gold. No politics, just pulp.

The Big Heat is really more of a death wish film than a classic film noir anyway. Watch it again and you'll see, it's basically Glenn Ford getting revenge after his family is blown up.

Well, in real life McCann DID make the Coke ad around that time. So I think you may have got it wrong.

also, the Halloween cats on the octopus painting.

disagree. What? talk about the draft or one of the most successful players in the NFL getting singled out.

Totally disagree. He's being knocked down a few pegs — a populist move by the NFL since everyone hates the Pats. He should continue to pound the drum on this issue and make sure everyones aware that he was singled out.

not to mention Rodgers admitted he liked his balls over inflated. Did anyone check into that? Nope.

so only teams that win the SB get punished. Make a short list and only punish them? BS

exactly the point of the article! Goodell went hard on the Pats because he ignored the Ray Rice situation and got called out for it. Maybe read the article before commenting.

again, you didn't read the article. Farve didn't corporate over a rape case and the NFL fined him 50k. But you deflate a ball and it's millions in fines.

so you would have came out and said I appreciate Brady's honesty for admitting he had balls deflated. Don't buy that for a second. That's what the point of this article is. No matter what happens it's the damned Patriots. Can't see past the fact that this is a HUGE punishment for letting a little air out of a ball

obviously you didn't read the article and just hate the pats.