Steve Eifert

some may not realize that Kennedy got best actor award for Airport. The worst oscar award ever.

I'm getting a bit annoyed by this season. I couldn't stomach much of the last doctor, and this one seems goofy and whimsical like the last. Could they let the new doctor find himself instead of reading lines written for the last guy? And is it me? or is the show childish to a point of being nearly unwatchable?

it annoys me that these mid-30s people were mostly very successful, while my generation (now in our 40s) didn't have nice houses or good jobs at the same point in our lives. Also, listening to 80s music at the time was more of a goof thing to do. Back when the Big Chill came out it was released the same week as

Kevin Bacon in Hollow Man. Key scene: I like that he makes a looping video to fool the security cameras using a circuit board he found lying around… (only to be topped by Speed when the put a tape deck in "auto rewind" causing the video to loop endlessly which is impossible because it's a tape)

Wrecking Ball radio on Tunein.

Kate Blanchett hit the jackpot, if I'm seeing him correctly.

or you could just download Homes and Yoyo. Honestly, human and robot cops… yawn.