
And he should have covered his ass and run far, far away from that project. I’ve done it before - “Sorry I can’t help you. I need 3 weeks and you need it in 3 days. Find someone else”.

Not necessarily. The requirement of a PE stamp on something like this varies from state-to-state and county-to-county. It can be up to the “owner” to decide if they want one or not, which is usually dictated by policy, their lawyers and/or their insurance company. And depending on the state, all the state engineering a

Allllllmost f_ck off money...35% CP...

I live in the North East and *really* wish we would cut back on the salt. I think it’s part budget and part expectation from the driving public. People up here are, generally, idiots, who think they can drive their leased 3-series all round as though it were a sunny day in August...

Dear Ford,
Please, pretty-pretty-tiny-infant-baby-Jesus-please, allow us to purchase this with a Coyote 5.0.
-Random Person on the Internet
(I know it’s unrealistic but damnit it’s a comment section on the internet and I can say what I want!!)

Fun (and somewhat morbid) fact: former NHL hockey star and coffee-shop magnate Tim Horton was killed in one.

I’ve worked with industrial sparkies that range from incompetent and dangerous to hard working and damn-near genius.
Some were IBEW, some were not. I haven’t (yet) seen a consistent association between union membership and project results...YMMV...

There is a balance to be struck - left to our own vices with no adult supervision, things would be way too expensive and take “too long” to build...but boy would they be awesome when they’re done!

All the stars for you on that my friend.  Sorry to hear about your accident and hope you’re on the mend...

Can a person taller than 5'6" sit in the back seat without their head hitting the ceiling?  You may need to recruit someone to confirm... :-P

Based on my own experience you won’t get a proper rear-facing car seat into any 2-door coupe my friend. Which is what wee baby will need for the first 30(?) lbs or so (so maybe 18 months-2 years). After that it’s forward facing car seats, also unlikely to in a 2-door coupe.

Well then colour me edu-macated. I had no idea they went to that extent. I have some reading to do.

Green racing, eh?

Emmm...does insurance cover your vehicle when it’s offroad?  In my neck of the woods, insurance would not cover that damage and you’re on the hook for *all* costs, including recover and any remediation if your vehicle oozed stuff onto the beach :-o

“IMHO, if you make fun of them for this to the point that they think they need to buy a better car, you’re a horrible person, but I digress.”

“GM has a good radar cruise system, and it should be using it in this truck. It’s borderline inexcusable”
Dude? Really? “Inexcusable”? What’s truly inexcusable is that a professional such as yourself was “caught off guard” that a vehicle didn’t have idiot-proof cruise control. You’re driving something that can haul 35k

4th gear: Ban it. Ban *allllll* of it.
There is a certain level of skill required to drive a car. If you do not posses this skill, please have a seat and allow someone who does to drive.
I, for example, do not posses the mad skillz required to fly a fighter plane. I am therefore happy there are people who are skilled

That C8-R Sounds like a gat-damn Porsche. I am disappoint...
Since IMSA and/or the ACO are going to BOP the hell out of it anyway, why not stick with pushrods and at least sound awesome while you’re lobbying for your next weight break/restrictor increase/weight reduction....?

“It was about a six-hour drive on long, straight, high-speed verdant highways in summer heat, and this big, fancy-ass behemoth was really the ideal vehicle for the job”

RE: sticky transfer case. I bombed around in my parents 92 XJ in highschool, which I believe had the same transfer case you do. We were told by a local Jeep-whisperer that you should exercise the transfer case often, or it will not engage/dis-engage when you cycle it.
So I happily obliged with regular 4WD doughnuts in