
I’ve taken three separate courses there over the years. The place is incredible.  Spotless-clean and they treat you like a damn king.  Yeah it ain’t cheap, but it’s totally worth it.  Really hope they work it out!

Agreed. Very much appreciate the effort and money involved (and the dyno results), but an LS7 sounds perfect as-is. Not a fan of how the flat plane conversion sounds...

1986 Pontiac Bonneville, 305 4-bbl V8 good for (allegedly) 150hp, bought with the intent to tow our 18' 2,200 lb ski boat.
One fateful trip, dear ‘ol Dad had someone pull into the passing lane, coming at us head-on. The brake pedal hit the floor as he tried to avoid firey death.
When we got home he traded that glorious

Turns out the comments section has another sanctimonious asshole (you) who blames the tow driver for doing his job to pay for *his* truck. Spend 24hrs in the front seat of a wrecker and then give us your thoughts...

Can confirm.  A 6'7" co-worker drives a mini

Looks like a McLaren/NSX/488 mash up...

I too, have flown in a Caravan for personal use. I always found the interior a little spartan and a tad breezy when we open the back door. I also have never landed in a Caravan. To save a few bucks, perhaps we suggest Mr. Mayor try something similar...? :D

Call me when he signs up for the Knoxville Nationals :-P

I went to university and worked with Ben a few years ago- crazy to see his old Scirocco on Jalopnik! He’s by far one of the most brilliant, hardest working and humble person I have ever met.

If you can’t drive the car, then have a seat and relax while someone who can handle the task takes the wheel.
Down with driver aids!
And get off my lawn!

Watch the video of the arrest posted to this twitter account. Put yourselves in the arresting officers’ position. Kudos and many thanks to the officer for how he handled this. My response to this situation would have been...different...

Yup - totally agree. There are advantages to running a tube-frame style car, as they are (arguably) safer and easier to repair when you whack something. Running caged unibody cars on superspeedways in a pack at 200mph sounds sketchy at best.
NASCAR’s problem isn’t the cars, it’s that the youngin’s all find racing

Late model (maybe 2014-2016) Hyundai Elantra GT (hatchback) or sedan. It’s reliable and I’m sure you can find low-mileage models within your budget with the features you’re looking for.

Blackberry Classic user here, and proud of it. It’s a very useful tool and does exactly what I need it to. It’s not a gaw-damn piece of jewelry or a toy for some skinny-pants-wearin’-fancy-coffee-drinkin’ hipster.

Look at the size of the air vents on the dashboard! They *might* be able to move enough air to keep my wife warm!

“think of it as an Audi A5 Sportback but for people who have never yelled at their server in a restaurant.”

Google “Minden Ice Racing”. Largest *land* based ice racing surface in North America. Highly recommended!

My new favorite one-liner is from this movie, when the Dad is speaking to his 14 year old daughter’s 17 year old boyfriend:

Or Robb Holland...?

Ok waaaaaaait a second here...