
I’ll second (or third? fourth?) this suggestion. Our man Devin has proven his man-hood-liness by creating offspring *and* surviving a hurricane. Get the minivan. It’s what you need. It’s cheap on gas. It’s cheap to fix. Think of it as an appliance, like a microwave with wheels. Get the fun car once the homestead

Hi Robb - great series and great writing. Thank you very much for sharing with all of us and glad it worked out.

I see a Katech badge on the arm of your firesuit...hrmm.... :D

Hey Robb - any thoughts about using one of the old K-PAX Volvo S60's? Are they still in storage somewhere?

Counterpoint (and I live in Toronto): I’m driving along said highway in my new 991 Porsche, minding my own damn business, taking time to admire the scenery and steal a glance or two at my beautiful wife.

When you buy your Mazda 6, buy the damn manual transmission. Your girlfriend is about to dump you, and future wife can drive stick ;)

Came here to post this. Grew up around a ‘73 115-hp version of this. Had an awesome burbble at idle (when it did manage to start) and sounded fantastic at full bore. RIP “Piglet” the outboard...

I’ve been to Hornepayne before. Outsiders like me just call it “The Pain”. you have nothing to be sorry for ;)

125cc shifter karts. Driven them several times now, and they are absolutely brutal on you. Anyone who has given the beans to a 750 or 1000cc sport bike knows what I’m talking about.

“Paging Dr. Holland, Dr. Robb Holland, to the test track , please...”

“It’s more the feeling you’d get by smacking a hungry lion in the ass and running away. You’re alive, sure, but you know that things easily could have gone the other way...”

A great big star for you my fellow Ontarian ;)

I had a similar experience once, years ago. It involved a pair of Canadian CF-18’s, a Cessna 182 and Pope John Paul II.
“Whatever you a$$holes do, don’t give those guys the finger. I think they’re armed!!”.

Hi Robb - thanks for sharing your thoughts in a well written, logical manner. Perspective from someone with first hand knowledge is greatly appreciated.

Always been a fan of Jezza - immensely talented and entertaining.

For the record, Lou isn't a "gentleman" racer by any means (not that he isn't a gentleman otherwise). He's a very accomplished past winner and champion in World Challenge (Escort Series back then) and has forgotten more about racing and race car setup than most of us will ever know..