
That’s how it works. If you need to talk about a bunch of sticks then that would be one word you could use and now it’s even more useful because you can use it to describe yourself too.

Don’t buy these! you literally just need to shove anything up the key way and you can get the lock open. has a video about it on Youtube.

Don’t buy these! you literally just need to shove anything up the key way and you can get the lock open. https://lock

You think bluetooth is the reason to get rid of the headphone jack and yet everything you listed is a reason to use wired cans over wireless ones.

how is the power “interrupted”? do they disassemble the phone and cut out the battery. The whole counter failing to keep track of wrong entries over a restart sounds like a pretty big security exploit that Apple and Android both need to fix immediately.

Calling bullshit on the one about BUGS. the Metal Gear V save bug with quiet might fit into the example he used but just try to explain The Arkham Knight were literally anyone who just played the game suffered from any number of bugs that made the game unplayable. Or explain the bug in Arkham Origins where no one

I don’t know what you had opened in those tabs or what extensions you have added to chrome but my chrome is using almost 2GB with just 6 tabs opened and adblock + scriptsafe + flashcontrol + New Tab Page + Text URL Linker added on. Also did this test system have an SSD or an HDD because that will make a huge

Easy way to solve this is with handwritten invitations or some form of personal message on the invitation. Then all you have to do is explain that you didn’t write all the invitations in one night. I know handwritten invitations and personal messages are a lot of work but if you don’t want to spend that work inviting

I don’t understand this “Subtraction by addition” statement

I only have one emotion when answering work emails and I highly doubt stating “I HAVE HAD IT WITH THESE MOTHERF*CKING EMAIL IN MY MOTHERF*CKING INBOX!” would go over too well with my boss/clients.

Actually the WESTERN world as you put it, would be okay if they isolated themselves from the rest of the world. If instead of worrying about the fighting, starving, and dying in other countries they focused only on the advancement and improvement of their own society there would already be a colony on Mars. The main

nothing for this type of problem. It was just a statement about open source software in general. a lot of which I've gotten from short forum post where you might get a simple binary file and a source folder but usually just a source folder and a good luck compiling.

I would guess English is not the person's first language. The site looks very well put together. I haven't used it but it looks a lot less shady then some of the legit open source software I've used before.

Even if you take time out of the equation, you still need resources. Human life dies very quickly without food or water even with how advanced it is. Even if we could completely recycle water and produce food at the same rate as consumption the ship we would travel in would need fuel/power. Currently the only

This site also makes this type of mount.

This site also makes this type of mount.

To be honest I really wanted to love the Fire Headphone but they are the worst ones I've ever used. The features like no-tangle cord and magnetic buds are really nice but don't do squat if they don't stay in your ears and hurt the whole time they are there. I would highly recommend looking for these feature in a set

kcookie is just a different type of person then you. He works hard at what matters and doesn't worry about the other stuff. You have to keep your self from becoming lazy or taking the easy way out. Me, I do my best at everything and anything as long as it interests me. To me the best example of this is working out. I

My guess is they fired the guy who designed the payroll program and to hire someone to change it would have cost more than the extra paychecks. I don't know about payroll but in my company this is a very common issue. me - "Hey boss why do we do things this way when it could be changed to work better and be easier?"

5/5 using a Tandy MMS-10 PC speaker and built-in sound card.

Here is a screenshot of how I have it customized.