Pedantic Jones

It’s not like Brian Kelly has ever faced consequences for leaving somebody out there twisting in the wind.

This is a fair argument, and likely correct!

I had the high score on Tempest at our local Showbiz for most of the summer of 1979. You probably heard of me.

“My offensive line is a fish.”

Just because you guys are in the pocket of BIG FUCKING ON THE SUBWAY doesn’t mean you should criticize other websites for how they make money.

Yup...these are my funders...

Car batteries.

You really think he’d stick his neck out like that?

I was okay with the racist mascot, their flight to Cobb County, and their fleecing of taxpayers, but this assault on urban planners’ sensibilities is the final straw.

Boy, if you can’t trust an unethical physician willing to dispense an almost unlimited amount of highly addictive narcotics to a group of men whose livelihood depends on them, who CAN you trust?

“Running is the easier, lazier way to play QB.”

I would not be surprised if the Situation was the most even headed person in the Situation Room should it come to that.

You’d be surprised.

I know people who think the screen is the computer.

Instead of building a team in a sensible way, we are looking for old vacuum cleaners.

He is a little silhouetto of a man 

There is literally no better feeling in the world than when I dropped the Bears as my favorite team. Not my divorce from a soul sucking marriage. Not when I left the worst job ever to teach kids with disabilities and found my true calling. Not the birth of my niece or my nephew. Not the fucking Cubs World Series.

First off, I am offended you used Screenshots from Conker's Bad Fur Day on Xbox instead of the N64 version. When referring to the N64 version.