Tallon really fucked up with the free agency thing, but he assembled the Championship Hawks, and gets almost no credit for it.
Tallon really fucked up with the free agency thing, but he assembled the Championship Hawks, and gets almost no credit for it.
Rocky is a chip off the old block. Yes, he allows home games to be shown on TV and he spends money, but he understands how to make money off the Hawks much better than his dad does.
Can we get a dedicated piece on Clay Travis’ time at Deadspin, like an oral history? It keeps getting mentioned, but I have no recollection of it - and I’ve been a solid B/B- commenter on this site for several years.
This is going to be a cakewalk for Ray-Ray. Whose skin didn’t crawl, who didn’t lunge for the remote anytime he appeared on their screen? He single-handedly cured me of my Monday Night Countdown habit. Stopped cold turkey as soon as he joined the cast.
Screw that, if you’re a fan you want him on your team.
You might like to know that everyone you meet assumes you wipe your ass. At least I hope you give them the impression that you do. It’s also likely that most people you meet wipe their asses also.
That’s the worst part about city living. A few years ago I backed up the can in my apartment, had to walk to the hardware store for a plunger. OF COURSE they didn’t have bags big enough for a plunger, so I just had to walk my ass like 6 blocks home down a main road carrying a plunger in plain sight, with every…
What kind of country do we live in where a man is judged not by the content of his character, but by the number of cheese balls he’s carrying? It’s a travesty!
It’s a big production. You got the anthem, the coin toss, and the weekly moment of silence for whatever mass shooting just happened.
Only time I’ll stand and pee before shitting is the morning pee boner.
Did that at work one time when I had a semi, had to stay in the bathroom for 30 minutes trying to dry my pants.
a woman in my office microwaves dry chunk tuna in ziploc bags on a daily basis. it is so disgusting. she gets yelled at all the time for it, but nevertheless, she persists. i think we now are all just banking on the fact that the chemicals that leak out of the ziploc bags will certainly end her life soon.
The worst is if you accidentally piss between the seat and bowl onto the back of your pants.
I am amused to an irrational level by this cartoon. So much so that I went and found my burner key. Literal tears. Thank you!
You splittin the turds in half with your stream of piss, like some kinda kinky lumberjack?
LeBron turning a compliment about another player into a statement about himself and his shoes is just classic BronBron.
Replace a few words in that LeBron quote and it sounds like Trump talking about any random person that walked into a room. Generic flattery under a cloud of self-congratulations.
If you think any mention of or view of any sort of van = child molesting joke, then yes I think you might be misunderstanding something. I have no knowledge of the show or it’s branding, but I don’t think the culture equates a van to child rape...
yes wow you got the joke
It’s almost as if things grow and evolve over time. This very site used to post Drew’s masturbation fuel in his Jamboroo, things shaped like dicks, and actual leaked dicks. In hindsight, would you guys want some of that back? Probably. I can’t read TimeHop because me from 7 years ago makes me want to fucking die.