
Man, Bran can just stay in his tree.

Meh the South couldn’t get too worked up over it. It was all in subtitles and us Southerners are either too ignorant to read all that shit or confused why Jesus wasn’t speaking American like he’s supposed to.

“Hey, you’re black, right?”

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Where have I heard that before? Oh, every wannabe con man says that. And then he’ll tell you he can’t give you details because of the statute of limitations. But if he really robbed all those banks (and still has the cash) would he be running his mouth about it? Sounds like a good way to get the

“The Ed Hardy Boys”

Oh, that complaining member had a relative waiting in the membership queue...

My Dad was a member at a local semi-private club from the day it opened and he and I played there pretty much every weekend for 3 years. He and I were about as much “regulars” as you could be. Place was nice, but a little hung up about accentuating the divide between member and non-member amenities/facilities. Dad had

At last, video evidence that 2:24 is faster than 2:26.

John Oliver and Bud Light Lime. Still a better love story than Twilight.

Jordan would have gotten the calls in those plays

I still think he’ll be running for Dallas by season’s end.

How about this:

Could be worse, you could be paying triple what we pay at the ‘pump’.....oh wait...

It’s like Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Yeah, who the hell knows what would have happened if she had been going 88 MPH. up my end-of-school teacher gift game.