ACDAB - All car dealers are bastards.
ACDAB - All car dealers are bastards.
There are whole legal teams who are devoted to what they call “piercing the corporate veil”, specialist attorneys, and getting funds out of bankrupt or other corporate-isolated companies. I’m confident they will prise the majority of the funds loose, whether that cash will ever go to the plaintiffs and not the…
I worry that, as sea levels rise because of climate change and claim their natural habitat, they will migrate to the few decent places left in the continental U.S. Invasive species are harmful.
Florida-man is already kinda a deranged feral mutant, I don’t see how it could make them worse.
/rushes to typewriter, hurriedly pens script about a young man who has a bicycle accident on radioactive road and becomes the superhero Road Rash.
I know a lack of critical thinking and attention to detail are prerequsites for being a Musk fanboy, but the article clearly references a reddit post where the poster was offered a deal on a Tesla.
I would rather take a Greyhound bus than be seen in a Tesla clunker.
Still hoping he’ll give you the chance to blow him? Sad.
Do you enjoy reading Jalopnik? Maybe you should try something like Mein Kampf instead?
There is some ELon Dripping down your chin Mr Trump
Where’s Luigi when you need him?
Considering the WC claim is from rear-ending accident, could Walmart go after the other insurance company for all damages?
A bit Trumpy of Walmart, don’t you think?
Walmart is the embodiment of self righteous idiots. Many of their competitors charge up to 30 percent more for the same products , why are these companies thriving just as good or even better then walmart? Because when you go to their competitors, the employees smile and are happy to be working there and happy to…
Walmart screws over their workers every single chance they get. Fuck em’.
Modern Christians would ABSOLUTELY crucify Jesus again if they got the chance.
They fired Jesus ? where are all the churches complaining and picketing, oh Mexican Jesus, that’s okay
To be fair I heard that everytime a toyota breaks down and engineer is punished