
This is how truck prices should be because over the last several years truck prices have gotten stupid.

“I’m pretty sure the board would love to pay someone better at the job than Hackett half his salary.”

The Fusion is small inside, big outside, slow, and doesn’t handle well. It looks nice, just needs some powertrain and suspension tuning to make it fun and maybe some different seats to give front passengers more leg room without sacrificing the back.

I just looked up what the performance of this car is. Its not exactly stunning: 0-60 in 7 seconds. Hell- my old 4-banger Tacoma is rated at 0-60 in 8 seconds... So I’m again not sure what the big deal is as one could easily buy something a whole lot faster for a whole lot less.

Yes, of course, someone with different tastes and desires than you is an idiot. Fantastic logic.

Huh. It boggles my mind that this is even on Jalopnik. What’s next? how to fill the washer fluid reservoir so you can use that window washy thingy?

Y’know what would really be nice? If Netflix paid employees (hell, let’s call them security guards) to monitor behavior in their theaters and remove the people who text, talk, fight, cry, and otherwise disrupt the experience for everyone else. I’d pay a premium ticket price for that service. Post the rules

I fully supported what they said. The drivers were completely untrained, and I would have thrown away the ladder and fixed the cord if it was in my garage.

Now now now- you know Jalops don’t ever let valets touch our cars. Beside, it takes too long to explain to the valet that the fuel pump relay has been bypassed with a switch on the floor; speedbumps must be taken at 2 mph and diagonally, and that the door must only be closed by touching the black plastic area- never

Just act so that you do not have badly repaired extension cords and tell your workers to immediately warn you when a tool/machine has a faulty component. Seems that on your workplace you don’t care much for safety, and if so your fines were well deserved. Remember: faulty cords MUST NOT be “repaired” with electrician

1. There’s someone to complain to.

I mean, it’s not like the scheme is common enough to have a nick name...

Not only does Tesla not spend money advertising or giving auto writers free food and seat time, there is also a $10.7 billion incentive to depress the stock.

Now playing

vast mysteries of how torque converters work (hint: nobody really knows).

Exactly, it’s like my dad telling me I can slow down my car by down shifting.

Right. This would be a PITA to clean up, but it’s hardly time for a salvage title.

This is why aircraft have pilots. There’s good reason she’s good at it. Multi-engine training requires pilots to land planes with a simulated engine out dozens, if not hundreds, of times. This is exactly the emergency she practices in a simulator every few months. That said, she did a good job executing the emergency

That’s like being the slowest sprinter in the finals of the Olympics.

I think this takes the cake.

GM “killed” street cars the same way Edison “killed” oil lamps.