
Subway’s problem is their bread. It always tastes 2 weeks old. Not sure how you get old bread out of a hot oven, but here we are...

Take a closer look at what they're doing. This isn't really streamlining for speed, this is streamlining for profit per item ordered. No more hamburgers or cheeseburgers? Wait, not exactly. If you want a cheeseburger, you can still get it by purchasing a happy meal. 

Sounds like the issue may have been with management not putting enough employees on the floor during your rushes. As I know you know, the wait at the window shouldn’t be waiting for the kitchen to finish the order at taco bell. 75 seconds, which is admittedly pretty quick, should be attainable to run a credit card and

Since it’s catsup, shouldn’t it be spelled with a C, too? and I lead different lives, man.

Dodged a bullet on that American Horror Story news. Thought you were going to tell me we lost Dylan McDermott. That show would be unwatchable without him.

It's like when you're so crescent...wait...hold on man, just don't start the bubbles

I’ve yet to see any movie longer than 2 and a half hours that didn’t have AT LEAST 30 minutes of garbage that was meaningless to the story. In the superhero movies, it’s almost always with relentless animated cartoon fight scenes. Why do we have to sit through three different 20+ minute scenes of two cgi characters

Uh, bad new, man. Exactly what do you think the nudity scanners are looking for? We're there. 

I like being treated like a criminal before I get on a plane. Helps to keep me humble. Otherwise, being treated like cattle before I'm shoved into a seat that’s 30% too small for any adult with a back that’s set at an acute angle with my knees crammed into the seat in front of me with nothing but 9 pretzels and a

I would love to cook with lamb if I could find decent ground lamb. But here in Orlando, there are two brands of ground lamb on the shelf and both are filled with bone fragments and cartilage. Nothing turns me off a meal faster than crunchy...when it shouldn’t be crunchy. I also swore off ground turkey for the same

You're not thinking through that math correctly. The credit cards would get another 4% (actually 2-3%) of the 4% you raised the prices. $10.00 goes to $10.40 on the menu. The credit cards get another 1.6 cents, the restaurant would get another 38.4 cents. 

Basically? Pretty sure a fake charity is more than essentially a fraud. Why not put in the effort of an investigation and shut down the company and put some people in jail? Because that would’ve been more effort than drafting a letter telling them to knock it I get it.

Nice negotiation with criminals ftc. They'll definitely do what they said and not continue to break the law. Glad my tax dollars are, like always, hard at work and making a difference. 

Oof... How did it feel with the taxi drivers picketing next to them? Taxi driver “I hate these jerks taking my job. But I support them trying to shut down their employer...” Must’ve made the Uber drivers feel like idiots.

Strange, I go exactly the opposite way. If a place has a bunch of 1 star reviews, you can be pretty sure it’s terrible. But, if it has a bunch of 5 star reviews, it doesn’t tell you whether it’s good or bad because fake reviews are so pervasive (at least on my area). 

You know the same people that made the trailer made the play, right? 

So, so, teacher...hey, remember this cool thing from 5 years ago...

This article failed to hit two out of three of the issues. You hit latency, but omitted buffering and subscription fees. If a game buffers even occasionally, it ruins the experience. Subscription models for purchases, especially a once in awhile purchase like video games, is a massive step backwards. I know they

We’re not optimistic because of two big reasons. 1. It will almost definitely buffer once in awhile, which really ruins the experience and is a huge step backwards. 2. It’s going to make games more expensive by, at best, removing the used game market and directly controlling game distribution prices, or worse, and