
As someone who hasn’t read the books I too feel her reviews are off the mark. Get someone else to cover Outlander A.V. Club!

Can we all just agree that this show isn’t going to right all of the historical wrongs of 18th Century America, despite having 20th century time-traveling characters and being scripted by 21st century writers??? For Christ’s sake, it’s a show about a woman who travels back in time, marries a Scotsman, and has a kid -

I could not disagree with this assement anymore. There really isn’t any point going into details why. Because it will be picked apart and not sway me in the least. Suffice it to say this not a show I tune into for a moral compass. The irony that everyone is OK with the explicit sex scenes in the first season. Which I

Oh I misread you then. My point was Jamie’s jump reaction when he lashed out at Brie was due to the assumption that the man who she said raped her she now was saying had consensual sex with her, not waiting to hear the full story and realize these were two different people. 

No I did not misread you. You said “his daughter had falsely told him raped her.” It was Lizzie who misinformed Jamie.  

Lioness, you mis read me.  I said that Jamie’s first (natural) reaction when given the information he was given was to assume that he had beat up the man who Brie had told him had raped her but now was revealing it was consensual.  That’s why he was upset.  Obviously he jumped to the wrong conclusion and was quickly

In Season 1, Wentworth Prison, Claire saved Jamie from killing himself after the Black Jack Randall rape by conjuring up the rape and torture in his mind by using lavender (what Randall used). She was trying to force him to tell her what really happened. She said he “only responds to strength” (which is true of

My first thought wasn’t that Jamie and Ian were wrong, it was that Lizzie was the one who should have been scrutinized for the misinformation that she foolishly passed along to Jamie and Ian, without actually knowing what had happened or talking to Brianna about it. Jamie did what any father would do with that kind of

“As for living on a Plantation, we’ve already seen how Claire reacted and the consequences of that so I doubt this will be addressed with Brianna lest we want another near cataclysmic result. Claire almost got everyone killed at Riverrun and guess what? It wasn’t their place to change that because the prevailing area

You shouldn’t have to read the book to understand and evaluate the tv show. If you can’t understand the show without reading the books, the show has failed.

We are all forgetting one thing - Jaime, Ian, Lissie, and Murtagh are all products of the 18th Century. You cannot impose 20th or 21st Century values on them. Whether we see it as correct behavior is really not the point, it IS the behavior of that era. Brianna, if raised in the time she was conceived, would never had

Plus, please realize that Bree is just as pig-headed as Jamie! Jamie overpowers her to get it through to her once and for all that most males are simply physically stronger than  most females so there was no way she could have stopped Bonnet using just her own physical strength. Brutal, maybe, but extremely effective.

Did anyone read the book??? Yes, Bree is upset about what she sees as Jamie’s high-handedness on the matter if killing Bonnet; he sees it as his right as her father. Not only that, as a survivor of Culloden, Jamie knows the hell of having had to kill and what it can do to one’s soul so he wants to spare Bree that. Forg

everyone is missing the only important thing:

For those of us who have read all the books (eagerly waiting for Book 9), none of this is new, surprising, or shocking. We know the story and how it will end. It’s still fun to watch how the books are portrayed on TV. Jamie is the same jerk in the book, and it isn’t until he finally embraces the American Revolution a

Jamie tells her that Bonnet’s death won’t make her forget, that nothing could ever make her forget. But he’s going to kill him anyway—for what exactly? To rectify his mistakes? Defend the honor of his daughter? Either way, he’s stripping Brianna of her agency.

I also thought it was against Jamie’s character and past to jump to such a conclusion especially because there was enough conflict from the beating that it was not needed. He has heard people out for less.

Wow, such a different perspective from my own.

You really have to stop viewing this show through the eyes of a 21st century person. People were not as evolved as we are now and to look at characters from the 18th century though an eyeglass of 21st century ideals is going to do nothing but make you see them all as Villains when they do something you don’t like

Obviously, the author of this article didn’t fully understand the episode. Brianna was blaming herself for the rape. Saying she should have fought harder. Jamie wanted to prove to Brianna that no matter how hard she fought, her strength didn’t match her attackers so he started saying things he knew would upset her (she