
I’d give it a B+ myself.

There are stories to be told about Revolutionary America that don’t have to exoticize Native Americans or plunk your main characters on a slave plantation.

Jamie was sentenced to indentured servitude for committing treason. While we can argue whether or not, he should have been guilty of that crime, under the law Jamie was a war criminal.”

Claire seems resolved to just go with the status quo and only speak up when it’s convenient for her, when the stakes are low.

Interesting A here. i thought the music at the end didn’t work, stylistically.

I’m Irish but have lived in Britain for four years now and I’m not sure where you’ve gotten the idea that a relationship and/or sex isn’t considered incest because it definitely is.”

Re the boyish girl, I wonder as to the details there. The show’s time period and attitudes seem to vary between the modern day and the 1950s. Sabrina using a Polaroid camera to take pictures and then threaten to post them all around town (not on the internet) would also seem to imply we’re in the 70s or thereabouts.

I think the reviewer’s point is that the boys were tricked into a gay kiss/grope without their consent. Which seems unarguable to me. Whether you can justify it as revenge/pre-emptive self-defence is another matter.

You’re the only one who seems to have noticed the cannibalism, or at least the only one to comment on it. perhaps nobody else knows what meat ‘long pig’ refers to (I’ve heard it does taste like pork, also.)

So, Aunt Zelda:

I think it has to be deliberate. They’re possibly trying to show how casually Fisk murders someone who’s in his way, not with any great drama but just like ticking an item off a to-do list. The banality of evil, so to speak.

1. Is Magic really real? Could Geillis really make a truth serum spell-tea? Was every relationship Geillis had basically just murder-fucking for profit? Geillis is mad at Claire because she believes in magic but not in coincidences, ergo, Claire must be out to get her?

Jamie jumps in the water and pulls her to the surface, but not before pausing to kiss her under water as she dies slowly? I’m a sucker for a gorgeously shot underwater scene, but Jamie kissing Claire is so stupid that I actually laughed in disbelief... Claire probably should have taught him CPR at some point.

The reviewer is annoyed when she sees Geillis Duncan’s true colours, but doesn’t admit her own incompetence as a reason for that. the truth about Geillis was always there to see for anyone who looked (like reviewers are supposed to.)

Better yet, why is it that white people must contort their histories and representation of themselves into something categorically false? Like, no you probably wouldn’t have freed the slaves. And no, you probably wouldn’t have stood up against injustice. And yes, you would have supported the state sponsored genocide

In the post episode commentary, I think they said he was 15. Which probably wouldn’t change his reaction to Geillis that much, but makes Geillis’ seduction of him worse.

Given they were looking for a kidnap victim, a visit to the slave auction was unavoidable. Once there, the options are limited.

What I took from that was that the thorazine and everything else in his system was stopping him from activating the Iron Fist. When he got beaten up, his warrior instincts kicked in - he said himself that he felt alive during a fight, when someone was hitting him in the face - and this managed to counteract the drugs

I still wouldn't put it on the rape spectrum, though it's unarguably abusive.

I'd see it more as Emotional Abuse rather than rape or even "on a spectrum of unambiguously wrong behavior, in the general neighborhood of rape". Tara's song bears this out: