The Powershift in Steve's '12 Ford Focus killed it's TCM (under warranty!)

Geuss I’ll just copy what I wrote on Oppo:

How the hell is this not the lead off to every report on this issue? Like it’s total media BS that this article is titled anything other than

Why does Kia put the turn signal indicators so low? They’re typically so low they’re not in most people’s line of sight.

Man, finally seeing a picture of it, with some context, really makes me wonder why this blew up like it did.

Is it tied in a way that looks like a hangmans noose? Absolutely.

But this wouldn’t look out of place in any of the factories or warehouses I’ve ever worked in, or in my own garage. It looks like a door pull

Once again, we have a better comment than the article itself for the most part. I don’t think that Bubba will need to live with anything, as he’s not the one that cried foul. He just reacted to what others presented to him, and I’d have done the same. But Justin is really, REALLY reaching here. I mean get a load of

Bubba never saw the noose; a team member did, and reported it to NASCAR. To the extent anyone overreacted (they didn’t), it was NASCAR.

Agreed -- it appears to be a misunderstanding.  I enjoy how this article keeps making the argument for racism anyway though.

FCA should buy Harley. All the dinosaurs gotta stick together.

A mouse droid would work quite well as a roomba. Hmmm....

It’s easy to get likes by shitting on airlines, but they are in one of the worst possible business models around: High capital costs and immediately perishable goods (the value of an unsold seat is zero after takeoff). The impact of any economic downturn is magnified several times when it comes to its impact on

If you wait until the conditions you describe arrive there will be no business’ left to open. Personally, I think we went about this wrong. We should have moved to protect the most vulnerable in our society and let everything else go on (mostly) as usual, in order to establish herd immunity. Swede has been successful

That the Shuttle program was exceedingly dangerous is uncontroversial. A total of 355 astronauts flew on NASA space shuttles, of which 4 percent were killed during missions. Of the 135 Space Transportation System missions from 1981 to 2011, two ended in catastrophe, for a one in 67 chance of complete failure. That

I read that as: “I hope this industry dies, but until it does I will take full advantage of it, because why should I inconvenience myself.” It is for that reason I don’t see the industry dying.

For the cost of the Shuttle missions that serviced it, we could have built several copies of the Hubble Space Telescope and launched them with improved instruments as well. 

But that’s the point. The space shuttle was treated as the operational phase of reusable, cost-efficient space transportation. That abstract concept, as the next phase in space exploration, arguably made sense at the time, but treating the space shuttle as the end point of that was inherently flawed.

I hope the trend of having to load pages on Jalopnik and other GMG pages several times to get the comment section to load goes away soon. I’ll take the “slideshow articles” as long as the comment section loads on the first try.

Today’s anti-capitalistic rant is brought to you by Amazon!


GMG: willing to bitch about everyone else’s money
