The Powershift in Steve's '12 Ford Focus killed it's TCM (under warranty!)

Oh Id further add, that World Class ultra low co-pay health care, and in terms of GM’s case, the highest per hourly rate for workers in the manufacturing sector (sans-temps) in the world, combined with guarenteed bonuses at the rate of $1k per billion GM makes in profit for benefits sharing, and Id say your argument

The economy is not a charity organization. See Russia if you think thats a cool plan. Stay educated.

Welcome to America, and even worse California!

This is dumb!!!

I would lean in the opposite direction specifically because it’s factory. It’s the aftermarket additional boost on a turbo engine I’d trust less.

That is a concern. Governments do have a tendency to become addicted to "sin tax" revenue, such that they panic when the tax works as intended and revenue falls with volume. 

I didn’t know I needed to read the word “jabroni” today, but I did. And it happened twice.

You know that weird scar you have on your knee from the go-kart accident?

I got to this and starred because I don’t care what your opinion on this damn car is if you already told us this beauty of an... event?

When I was in the 10th grade, I took my first family trip to South Korea to meet my stepmom’s family. We stayed about eight weeks over a whole summer.

One possibility is that they saw it and they’re trying not to trigger their PTSD.

If a union chooses to strike, good for them. I’m all for it.

well yeah you only need like what 3 buicks to have a 90 day supply?

You’ve made this comment quite a bit here and I don’t quite understand what you’re getting at. It was an organization harbored by Taliban-led Afghanistan, which was promptly invaded and the leadership deposed.

Wow. What a big surprise. This turned into a GWB hater circle jerk. Stupid president, trying to keep the economy from crashing! Overreacting to the first attack on the mainland that killed ~3000 people! The NERVE of that guy. What we needed was a pansy ass Al Gore who would’ve apologized to bin Laden for the loss of

“but it was in no way equivalent to an act of actual war.”

Uh, I think you need to redirect your angst towards cable news more than anything else. GWB nor his gov we’re spewing that garbage.

Say what?