The Powershift in Steve's '12 Ford Focus killed it's TCM (under warranty!)

Another article on the internet about Millenias. I get it, they can’t find jobs, buy homes or get out of debt.

This! The S550 engine bay is a bit tighter compared to the outgoing S-197 cars. When Ford debuted the EcoBoost TTV8 car people went nuts and thought for sure Ford would build a TT 5.0 for the next Shelby Mustang.

I tried telling them it wasn’t going to happen - manufacturers don’t put turbos down below since they are

I was with you until the throttle response comment.

there’s an older muscle crowd that hears the whine of a supercharger as the main calling card of big speed. Think of a massive blower sticking through a hood.

Human trafficking victim?

Why do I feel like you were describing a dream you had and not an actual car launch?

They’re not stoping Nazi’s but they are stopping history channels about how awful the Nazi’s were.

They are having the same issue that Facebook and Twitter are having in attempting to use algorithms in the platform to save money on moderation, that’s why tags like ‘gay’ and ‘lesbian are demonetized immediately but hate speech continues to linger. You can’t rely on user tags eyes need to be on content. They won’t do

It’s always fun to see peoples faces when they (anti-Californians) have explained to them what California actually adds to the country and what the actual impact would be if it *did* “fall into the ocean already”.

What a strangely racist thing for someone to say who is supposedly concerned about racism.

This may shock you but the Frontier is actually 15 years old now

Yeah. Today I learned there was a Rogue Hybrid. Actually I wasn’t aware that Nissan had ANY hybrids.

It’s still newer than the Nissan Z. Might as well just put it back on the market. 

Rotaries are also smart as a range extender because they are very small for their power output, you want a small/light engine for range extension purposes. They can also be extremely efficient at specific RPMs, something that doesn’t happen when it has to drive the wheels since the RPM varies a lot when doing that,

It’s a transportation appliance, sure, but it’s the *best* transportation appliance. That’s kind of fascinating. I mean, the guy in first class doesn’t get to the gate any faster than the guy in coach, either, but he has a very different experience doing it.

To be fair, this person actually was able to review this car first hand. How about you?

Who let you out of the greys.

Toyota is the only one doing luxury correctly....


Am I doing it right?