The Powershift in Steve's '12 Ford Focus killed it's TCM (under warranty!)

The Supercharged one sold decently, but was outclassed by the MS3, WRX, Evo, and VW GTI. By the time Chevy put the turbo 4 in it, the Cobalt was irrelevant. I think a Cruz SS might get some traction if done well and introduced soon (while the regular model is still fresh).

The problem is that the turbo 4/6 speed was only available on the $30k+ top level trim, and that didn’t come with a good enough suspension to make it worth the price. I know small sport sedans aren’t really Buick’s thing, but if you want to sell a ‘fun’ model to the youths, don’t lock it up on the most expensive one.

The Del Sol’s front suspension and drivetrain were identical (except for tuning differences) to the Civics. I’m pretty sure the rear suspension is the same. Different body panels and wheel base do not a sportscar make. An MR2 or Miata is a different animal, driving experience wise, despite similarities in features,

The Del Sol was a T-top Civic Coupe which is similar to the Paseo, though you’re right that a SI version was available.

So, basically, a Toyota Del Sol. That’s a pity, because its good looking in the ‘clean, slightly forgettable’ 90's car way.

That might be a neat solution for the show, since Davos is obviously not going to get Rickon back from Skagos - Rickon was hidden by the Manderlys in White Harbor, who bring him out as the surprise head of their army in the great big battle previewed for this season, betraying the Boltons. It will be a family reunion

They need to sell it not as a wagon, but as a low slung SUV, preferably with some stupid ass acronym that everyone forgets the meaning of. With a bit of work, wagons could be the next four door coupes. We jalops will sit back and laugh while trendy assholes start clamoring for wagons-with-another-name.

My last employer was an avionics company who had a collection of obsolete computers to service various older products (including Windows 95, 98, and 2000). The best was a the DOS box or two we had to service digital air data computers used in A-10s, KC-135s, T-38s and a few others. The cost of making the old hardware

Comment rescinded.

That’s funny, we say the same about you idiots...

Coming from someone who has lived in NJ for almost his entire life, the problem with the nice parts of NJ is that the beautiful parts of it are still attached to the wretched hive of scum and villainy that surrounds NYC (and to a lesser extent Philly). If you live anywhere within a reasonable drive of a highway you’re

The point is that yes, you can ‘pursuit rate’ a truck, because the only difference between the Tahoe and a Silverado is the open bed.

I think this is far beyond ‘right mind’. You do that sort of thing because you want to watch the world burn, not because it makes sense.

So, are going to transfer all the functional mechanical items from Swiss Cheese back onto the red one? That one seemed in much better shape until the engine became a water breather.

From what I’ve been told of Baghdad, the roads are similarly smooth.

Methinks Steph needs a Mazda 3 so she’s relieved of the burden of being Jalopnik’s official Mitsu apologist.

That makes sense. I don’t have motion sickness issues, so that never occurred to me. The smoothness of the tracks is highly variable. Some railroads do a better job of maintaining them than others, and most of Amtrak’s mileage is owned by someone else, so you never know what you will get.

And their only aircraft carrier needs a tow every time it leaves port, while their shipyards can’t build major warships for lack of knowledge. Meanwhile, the Algerians returned an order of MiG-29s due to poor build quality, and the Chinese and Indians report problems with the engines in their MiGs and Sukhois. The