The Powershift in Steve's '12 Ford Focus killed it's TCM (under warranty!)

This. If this is true at all, and not Russian blustering, the Jordanians are using it as leverage to get Washington to increase support. I can see a subsidized F-16 order coming in the next year or so to replace the old aircraft they fly. The Russians stepping in in Egypt is just the leverage Jordan needs to get a

The Acela ticket cost the same as a plane ticket, but the Regional ticket coming home was quite a bit cheaper. That was 4 years ago though, and Amtrak’s fare rates change with the wind (and Congress’ mood), so YMMV.

Really? I took Amtrak from NYC to DC and back for a job interview and it was surprisingly pleasant. The train was on time, the track was mostly smooth, and they had wifi and power plugs in the Amfleet cars on the way back (ironically enough, there were neither in the Acela on the way down). I don’t think a longer ride

That seems like an entirely reasonable and well considered alternative.

I think you’re missing my point - that big, slow target needs to be defended regardless. Why not give it some capacity to defend itself so it can supplement the defense by more combat capable ships? Adding missiles and an AEGIS system wouldn’t remove the need to escort it, it would partially reduce the burden of the

I think the appeal is redundancy - you don’t need the E-2 or as many Arleigh Burkes to cover a task force, which is good because they will be way overtasked in a real war.

But if that slow, vulnerable ship can provide supplemental radar and missile coverage to it’s task force, doesn’t that make sense? Assume that in a conventional war you won’t have enough Arleigh Burkes to effectively cover everything that needs escorting. These might reduce the number of Arleigh Burkes required to

This, and share the radar coverage load with the (limited) number of Arleigh Burke escorts, which already have to worry about BMD.

I’m still waiting on a Norris Packard and/or Ramba Ral version.

Considering that outside of the ‘car’ is a design studio, I’d guess the picture is of an interior styling buck that they didn’t bother putting the pedals in.

Way to bury the lede here Justin. He said:

I’ve been saving this .gif for a long time just for this:

Chrysler said it was dead after this generation, so that means they’re going to let it die on the vine. If Chrysler were committed to the market, it would get a refresh that would improve on it’s faults that aren’t caused by it’s packaging, but with this news, it probably won’t get one. It’s not like they’re saying,

Chrysler’s problem isn’t that the 200 is a bad car - because it isn’t - it’s because they gave it no support or improvements. The mid-size sedan segment is ahighly, highly competitive market. You can’t jump from last in the market to first in one generation, and that’s what FCA seemed to expect this generation to do.

It’s not racist when you’re making fun of white people, remember?

This. If it sells at the inflated price, it will probably go to an enthusiast who will care for it, rather than brodawg toolbag from Craigslist will have it hellaflush and scraping holes in the floorboards by next week. If it doesn’t sell, he gets to keep his beloved car longer than planned. If he keeps it long

I’m curious if they even went through the gate. The grounds of McGuire Air Force Base has standard chainlink fence along most of the perimeter. A motivated driving could plow right through it and get close to the flightline pretty quickly. Now, that’s a guaranteed way to set off a bunch of alarms and eventually get

The US version is nearly identical - it just moves the speedo to front and center.

I think you’re right, but I think writing about it would change that real fast. Most people don’t have any clue that VW made a diesel vehicle with a giant V10 in it. Once you do a 4 wheel burnout or start out-dragging F-150s, they’ll catch on real fast.

You keep bringing up the V10 TDI Toureg, and how hilariously unreliable they are. Please tell me one of them will be replacing the Hummer as your next absurdist adventure truck.