The Powershift in Steve's '12 Ford Focus killed it's TCM (under warranty!)

Ha! It will be 30 years before this is worth more than scrap.

This. A decent, original, high mileage IROC-Z or Z/28 might fetch $4k. One that’s been wrenched on? $2500, maybe $3k.

You’re my new favorite person.

This sounds like a well researched creepy pasta that someone re-purposed into a Nigerian email scam as a joke, but was then picked up by actual scammers.

Nah, it was the NHRA.

That’s the most solid way to accomplish things, and a few CCW cases are on their docket that would address that. A quicker solution would be to have a sympathetic Congress pass the law and force the President to decide whether or not to veto it.

I would have offered up the Saudis or Qataris personally, but Iran is certainly more overt about it.

That would be nice if the entire nation could get them, and there was reciprocity so you could actually carry nationwide. Why the Republican Congress hasn’t done that instead of symbolically repealing Obamacare for the 1000th time, I don’t know.

I don’t see how anything but disengaging is a viable solution.

The Democrats are taking a lot of risks this year. First they go after gun owners like it’s 1994. Now they’re declaring war on the car hobby. They’ve also pissed off everyone living in coal country with previous EPA regulations. At this rate, the only thing keeping them viable is the repulsiveness of the Republican

Unaccountable federal agency unilaterally changing the interpretation of laws that effect the hobby and lifestyle of millions?

As much as I love that rant, Chewie doesn’t live on Endor. He’s from Kashyyyk and lives on the Millenium Falcon, so I’m convicting, dammit!

More room for all the crap cops carry now. Most highway patrol cars have AEDs, well equipped med kits, plus a rifle, body armor, and all sorts of other stuff.

To be fair, those are beyond the control of the railroad. If this latest accident was caused by signalling problems, then the responsibility is their’s alone.

I don’t think that thing could get a running start if it needed one.

Two of my coworkers have them and, amazingly, like them. I’m not sure why.

Came for this comment, wasn’t disappointed.

Freight traffic on the Northeast Corridor is limited in volume and typically travels at night. The limited (and localized) freight activity limits excessive wear on the tracks, and limiting freight traffic to overnight removes interference between slow freight trains and the Acelas. Amtrak also owns the NEC, so they te

It’s not just a matter of upgrading the rails, its maintaining them. 30 trains a day of 150+ cars beats the piss out of the tracks, which makes keeping them in the condition required for safe 90+ mph passenger trains very expensive.

The G1000 pretty much owns the market these days. Garmin did a great job making the system modular and adding all the features a private pilot could ask for, and then some.