The Powershift in Steve's '12 Ford Focus killed it's TCM (under warranty!)


Who put that old guy in riot gear? (unless he’s worried about falling and breaking his collar bone, then it makes sense)

This is it boys and girls, this is the future - the lowered crossover. When everyone is driving crossovers, people will look for alternatives. Someone will remember how much better ‘low’ riding sedans handled and how much better they look. But people won’t want to give up the room or AWD of a crossover, so the car

So speaking of ads, what was the “ramjet aircraft” concept they were using in the engine anyway? Taking in air at the front and releasing exhaust at the rear?

They’re probably similar, but the Genesis’ interior looks even more snazzy. I’ll plop my rear in both at the next auto show and find out for sure!

Glossy black interior panels suck. All they’re good for is showing fingerprints and dirt. The same could be said for touch screens too, but I already know I’ve lost that argument.

They’re better than all black, and WAY better than chrome. I say keep ‘em.

Oh, I’d never buy one, nor would I ride in the back if I ever did buy one. However, they’re great fun to sit in when visiting the NYIAS.

That makes two of us. The Kia K900s back seat is already amazing, so I’m eager to see how much better the new Genesis is.

ABM systems will never be able to handle all out nuclear war until we have lasers, or some other system capable stopping dozens or hundreds of missiles swarming at one from many directions. GBMD is capable of taking out a very small number of missiles at once, especially when you consider it’s indifferent accuracy.

Honestly, I think the Ukrainians are in a good position to attack the eastern rebels this year. With the Russians busy in Syria and hemorrhaging money, there’s a possibility Putin won’t be able to effectively bankroll the rebels or send his own troops in to prop them up.

MLRS is mobile. Unless the Russians track them constantly, the MLRS isn’t vulnerable. It doesn’t have a large train of support equipment, it doesn’t require a large preconfigured area to set up in, and it doesn’t give off easily detected signals when operational.

Yuck. The wheels the only shiny bit of that car, and stick out like a sore thumb. Give me satin finished aluminum or polished face/painted inner surfaces any day.

Rain sensing wiper cameras are usually located here as well, and are worth cleaning off.

This is definitely it’s best angle. It looks menacing and modern from this angle.

Someone get this man out of the grays!

I don’t know what’s more insane - the size of the exhaust or the size of the rear drums. The people who designed these cars were insane, and the people who drove them were worse.

I guess he was a tanker pilot for a long time.

I completely agree that it could be done, but that doesn’t mean the guys at Ford thought it was worthwhile, from a design engineering effort or manufacturing perspective. Compared to all of the other places they could spend money - powertrain, suspension, interior quality/technology - going the easy route on panel