The Powershift in Steve's '12 Ford Focus killed it's TCM (under warranty!)

I’m not sure how many Stormtroopers are actually killed by Ewoks. The only Imperials dead for sure are the guys in the AT-STs, the speeder bike pilots, and the stormtroopers the our heroes and the Rebel commandos shoot. The only guys likely killed by bows and arrows were unarmored officers and Imperial Navy troopers

Because you can achieve your goal with one bomb the first time, rather than one aircraft’s entire payload? This would allow multiple, accurate strikes with one aircraft in one sortie, minimizing risk and airframe hours. I’m not sure if that balances out to cost parity, but it’s a hell of a lot more efficient.

Too late to edit - the Scopion cost vs. capability balance is in the same ballpark as the A-10, but I’m not sure if A-29s limited capabilities and much lower cost make the comparison useful for anything beyond Afghanistan-level of intensity. Something like Syria would probably be a no-go for A-29s, but a Scopion might

The only advantage an F-16 has over an A-10 in CAS missions is the extra speed of the F-16, allowing you get on station faster and have added glide range for unpowered munitions. Otherwise, the A-10 is a superior platform.

It would be an issue if you didn’t have a dozen F-35s to send to Turkey, which retiring lots of legacy aircraft to buy a few more F-35s might result in.

Your argument falls apart when you look at the number of aircraft in question:

I could say the same about an election between Trump and Clinton.

A better example would be a coal rolling Brodozer. It sells itself as a practical, powerful, utilitarian vehicle, but it’s really a grandstand for a massive ego that pisses off everyone who gets to close to it.

If this was a Cobolt, it would be COTD, every day, forever.

Excuse me?

I think it says a lot about Honda’s current lineup that racing class they sponsor uses a car that has been out of production for years because they haven’t even tried to match it.

Came to say this.

This looks like something Torch would whip up. I was slightly confused when this turned out to be a real thing rather than one of his fever-induced dreams.

Why is it that these LCS are necessary?

Good. You won’t feel bad when you scrape against a rock.

I saw that video yesterday and wondered what it was at 1:58. That makes perfect sense now. Thanks!

I love the TIE Avenger/Advanced. It has all of the perks of the TIE Interceptor and Vader’s Advanced X1, in a smaller package than the badass-but-huge-and-hugely-expensive TIE Defender.

IMHO, these are the best looking fighters currently in production. Dassault knows how to make a sexy jet.

It’s likely Imperial-class, the one shown wrecked in the first trailer.