
Totally agree, I had a rental Cobalt once after I hit a beaver (upstate NY!) and I blindly stuck my hand in the map pocket and came back with an enormous bloody cut from the molding flash.

I think the bigger coincidence is that all of these cars have really good resale value...nicer cars people keep for longer.

Every time I hear about the death of someone so young, it’s really upsetting because why can’t death just take Dick Cheney instead?

One more McDonalds related grievance - why is a singular breakfast sandwich a McGriddles?

Isn’t it as you get older you’re supposed to become angrier at everything? I just had a 2016 Kia Optima with the base-4 for my Thanksgiving road trip back home (about 1800 miles round trip) and I looooved it. This coming from a dude who only bought 5 cylinder cars for a span of 6 years (Audi 90, VW Rabbit, Volvo C30)

He even has a brother Juan who plays for the Nuggets! Fer reals

The suburbs...I worked retail for a major cell carrier for 6 years and saw the absolute worst of human behavior and if there was any racial link it was always white people.

If you hid the badges and left the name, I’d really think this was a Geely. The Tribeca was even a better name than i7-viz-wizz or whatever.

Hey Hacksaw, you know anything about Ron Mexico?

Carr and Goff were two of my favorite QBs to watch in college (someone save Ryan Nassib please), and Carr was so much more refined on draft day than Goff. He really hadn’t had a chance to play against consistent top competition like Goff, but he was physically tougher and seemed to have matured really quickly after he

Holy shit, I thought Hollis Thompson was 35

As someone who just moved from Rochester after a miserable 6 years there, it’s just par for the course in a city as segregated as Chicago. As a young white guy I ended up in altercations with old white guys way too often, fuck that place.