
By the look of Kylie’s trajectory (😦) the last name is less important with every generation

Omg I just saw that someone told YOU to listen for a change. Such a mess. Sadly it doesn’t seem to matter how much turnover this site gets the same problem continues to exist—Black and Brown voices getting silenced, often in vitriolic ways , and the people doing the silencing refuse to take a step back and reflect on

Agreed! And folks are still feeling very hurt which I can understand but what’s happening is this lashing out is silencing a lot of PoC voices and concerns which is not okay (and is a major part of the problem that got us here to be quite honest).

It’s actually a disservice to pretend that PoC were roundly enthused about her. Many did what they needed to do to survive in the sense of getting out to vote but Elida isn’t pulling this observation out her bum. There are plenty of articles that talk about the lack of enthusiasm for Clinton. Most Black Feminist sites

Shout out to you for being sensible and trying to discuss these things with folks who seem to be purposefully not really paying attention to what you’re saying. Very frustrating to witness all this in-fighting and passing blame instead of focusing on the structure that created Trump and allowed him to take office.

I think many were actually ashamed and that’s why pre election polls were so off. The most obviously hateful were vocal but there are the devils we do not know who voted for him . We may learn who they are now that he’s won, but they kept it to themselves during the election season .

Most disappointing click through ever. Meijer ? *sigh*


I never saw the apology , I’m happy to hear this . I was so disappointed

I rarely go to Taco Bell (usually it’s after a drunken night) but when I go I get a shit ton of the fire sauce and then use them on my homemade tacos and burritos. There’s just something about that sauce

I think sometimes the craving is for these fast-casual Mexican inspired spots as opposed to actual Mexican food. Don’t ask me why, I am just throwing out a theory here

If there’s a Moe’s in the same town I would choose Moe’s over Chipotle any day.*

That's actually the part that gets me the most. He took the passing of his mom very hard so that part is very sad/sweet to me.

Facebook memories highlighted this quote of Kanye's that apparently I posted years ago, which makes me want to take the day off from criticizing Kanye:

We actually have a lot of those perfect rock piles around the beaches in RI. I think they chose to sit by one that was already there for a better photo. They are so fake, we both agree on that!



D. C. is like Star(ling) city. A place with the Queen mansion and the Glades (yes I’m binge watching Arrow)

The song is bomb, I didn't expect it to be.

“with all deliberate speed”. *sigh*