
It could also be something someone from the outside may not appreciate as well. I read a few comments on last night's live thread and it seems like they were poking fun at a particular regions type of radio jockeys. I don't know, it just didn't tickle me and I thought the delivery and concept was poor, but as I said

I never said she was talented. I can only assume you're taking what you've read from a lot of others people and inserting that into my comment where it never existed. The sketches, aside from a few, this episode were weak down to the core, not just bad lines (opinion, obviously). If the sketches are going to tank

The self-hatred, depression, and crippling confusion having nothing to do with a father who is constantly trying to force his child to think of his identity as something wrong and to suppress it. I'm stunned by people's ignorance, sometimes. I really shouldn't be, since I spend so much time online, but still things

My comment was meant for another thread, through some glitchy weirdness it ended up here. Which explains why when I was looking for it to edit I couldn't find it.

Well, with Tangled she is now

Let's be honest, she wasn't given very good material. What the hell was that radio sketch and the dancing-in-the-street? Those seemed like sketches that should have stayed in rehearsal. Some are saying that maybe they had to drop some of the better sketches, but I don't really believe that. So, the only good sketches

That bothered me as well, although Amber Rose does speak kind of like that (there's a radio interview of hers from last year or something, she's talking about sex and I believe she alludes to bisexuality, if that helps you Google it if you so wish). However, I doubt Tamblyn knew that. I only know that because I heard

What's missing from this article is that she outed herself BEFORE he tried to quiz her to see if he knew her. Oh, Tyrese. Learn your "friends'" last names, please.

Same. I've posted about my disdain for her multiple times but never again.

I doubt he knew she was going to be as ill-received as she was.

Ask and you shall receive. Provided this is what you were asking for.

He mentions that midway through.

Well, I do think she looks beautiful here.

Same. And I'm pretty sure they have matching finger tattoos or something, which is probably what made me think they were engaged.

I prefer her with the hair she's got.

Oh my goodness, I thought that was a giant stuffed animal!!

That's ridiculous. Also he said "more up Jez's alley", and I'm saying this is all up Jezebel's alley. Suggest they cover women's treatment in #tips, but to act like these things can be prioritized and that gender is going to trump race doesn't fly.

I don't understand the last part of your statement. Third Wave feminism tries to deal with focusing on intersectionalities of race, gender, and class. This deals with race. A feminist-light website with editors who would fall under Third Wave feminism are going to try and discuss race, even if they don't do it well.

I didn't see it as her saying she'd get an Oscar, but rather that she'd at least be going to the ceremony. You don't have to be nominated to go to the ceremony, do you?

Thanks to Chad I cannot see a picture of Cher without questioning whether it is her or him. And vice versa.