
Beware if you wade into the comments on the AV Club entry: it’s filled with a terrifying amount of denial, misogyny, and victim-blaming. I almost had a rage stroke last night.

Heads-up: It is a standard writing practice to start a quote off with a quotation mark, and then leave it off at the end of a paragraph when the next paragraph continues the quote. Bizarrely, you ALSO put a beginning quote on the following paragraph.

...but that had he known there would have been “no mercy,” adding, “I have daughters.”

Sad for you.

If this is your idea of just a bad date, please stop dating.

So you’re saying that repeated verbal and non-verbal responses like “Let’s just chill. Next time. I don’t want to be forced” and moving away over and over and over are just impossible to read? Really? REALLY?

I’m just here for the Aziz dirt.

Goddamn, y’all are roasting her something fierce. I have to pile on because I’m typing from my pretty old home that has a legit den. I love it and wish newer homes had them.

my first college apartment was a studio, almost quite literally one room, and it was dominated by my cali king waterbed (don’t ask) - the awkwardness for me was inviting anyone over, and opening by door to what appeared to be an invitation to debauchery.

But it looks like Patrick Bateman lives there and has bare walls because it makes it easier to clean up blood spatter

I don’t care how nice it smells. I’m not wearing a perfume I can’t name to my dad when he asks about it. No way.

Sexual stimulant preparations in the form of everything that has to do with beauty, hygiene, sex appeal containing flowers, grasses, spices, fruits, wood, roots, leaves, alcohol, essential oils, body scents.”

Well, my kids’ school has some explaining to do about last Easter!

Oh God no. I’m a humanities scholar. But when it comes to commitments, my philosophy is that you can’t be committed if you’ve been crushed: physically, psychologically, etc. I’m not the sort of neoliberal asshole who thinks being a feminist means choosing the choice that makes you happy, regardless of how it impacts

People who are feeling left out need to learn to deal with their feelings and stop asking the people who have had it much worse than them to manage their feelings for them.

Third wave is mostly considered to be “choice feminism”. Like “I choose my choice so it is ok, and it has nothing to do with the patriarchy if I do porn/get plastic surgery/pretend to be dumb to get men etc”.

Briefly, first wave is suffragettes, second wave is Gloria Steinem et al during the 70s, and third-wave is Jezebel.

I’ve always defined third-wavers as the ones who let legislatures erode our abortion rights so they could talk about how much they liked porn, but that’s probably not what you’re looking for.

I realized a couple of years ago that a decent amount of the revulsion men put on older women has to do with he fact that older women are typically less likely to put up with bullshit.

I think that, in the larger sense of the world, gender does dictate what people can do and where, and so when women carve out a little slice of the internet it would be nice if men didn’t take up quite so much space on it.