Sterling Ericsson

Except that it's well known that he doesn't know how to work computers. In the slightest. He had to have people, several times, walk him through how to use Twitter and that's basically the only internet thing he does period.

It makes a lot more sense to me as a gay guy in an open relationship. Involving another person can be a lot of fun.

You forgot to mention that the number of trans people murdered this year exceeded the prior record. The record that has been increasing year after year.

That would be an amazing twist.

Nintendo did actually shut down his Patreon three months ago. That's when he changed the thing to be a Star Fox parody so they couldn't do anything (thus, this is Faulks McCloud and Wolfgang O'Donnel).

He hired on two other animators just the other day to work with him, so the second episode should hopefully be within a year.

This. This is exactly how I feel.

See, i'm fine with his reasoning on why the casting was done this way. I just don't feel the "SJWs" comments were necessary.

Actually, I wonder if the above list is really talking about Scientology.

"But many go beyond and target sponsors of programs and outlets that they are on. If you want to label or call someone an asshole fine. But don't try to get every corporation to bend to threats of boycotts to shut down anyone they deem against their agenda."

There's a really simple solution here. Give her a new producer. If she's telling the truth, then she'll be able to continue making music no problem and no difficulty with the music company. If she's lying, then suddenly she'll have a new reason out of nowhere about not wanting to work with the new guy.

Though it does seem like the episode was using some subtle counter-imagery, by having the "PC Police" be depicted as all white frat bros. I think they were also calling out the stereotypical "anti-PC" groups that are mainly made up of said kind of people.

The problem I have with the episode is that they didn't properly make a distinction between being PC to an extreme and being PC toward things that are actually racist, sexist, ect. The way they described it, they made it seem like it's wrong to call out anyone who says or does anything. That minority groups should

He popularized the hashtag name.

I wonder what Gamergate's response will be to his comments, since he very overtly references them with his #Gameovergate comment.

I think you responded to the wrong comment. :)

The chemical company Monsanto was bought by Pharmacia in 1999. It ceased to exist at that moment. The current Monsanto company is an unrelated agricultural division that Pharmacia forced to indemnify both it and Solutia for the actions of the past Monsanto company (which is why Pharmacia forced the new company to have

Considering groups like Greenpeace have been trying to kill university projects like Golden Rice that are to be given completely free to farmers, I don't think it's mere ignorance, but actual maliciousness.

Well, considering organic farming uses both more pesticides and ones with higher toxicity (such as pyrethrins, spinosad, copper sulfate, ect.), I find the claims of anti-GMO people to be very ironic.

I don't get the problems people claim about Monsanto. If not immediately debunkable, the claims are otherwise not relevant. Like the Agent Orange claim you mentioned, which could have a whole discussion onto itself, but is largely irrelevant to the modern Monsanto, since they are literally not the same company