But they don't actually do anything. They don't reduce the upvote count or anything like that.
But they don't actually do anything. They don't reduce the upvote count or anything like that.
Seriously, why doesn't Disqus allow downvotes anymore?
You know there IS a comment section there, right? You can physically see the responses agreeing with the article there.
The men that read and follow the Return of Kings website, to be specific. So, still more than one man.
It seems that all the gumball figurines inside the Gumball Guardian contain the residents of the Candy Kingdom, perhaps put into a sort of suspended animation by Bubblegum to protect them from some catastrophe.
Does Josh Modell have a soul? I don't think it's possible for him to laugh. He seems to hate every South Park episode, regardless of content. He and Eric Thurm seems to be in a competition to see who can hate South Park more.
I'm kinda annoyed that you didn't bring up the blatantly transphobic joke they threw in about the pre-op trans woman raping Nathan in a bathroom.
It depends on the context in which it is used. Retard is a specific term that does and was and is used to refer to those who are mentally handicapped. Thus, using it casually in common conversation is offensive and pejorative. I don't personally know the linguistic roots of the word idiot or its usage within…
Please tell me that's a sarcasm website and that you all aren't really that insane. I mean, geez…
This is one of the worst reviews on this site. It's incredibly short and complains about the episode making fun of anti-science people? I wish South Park did this kind of thing more. They're one of the few media outlets that actually calls out the nonsense that creationists, anti-vaccine, anti-GMO, and now gluten-free…
Are you sure you're not an American? I mean, you've got the self-righteous arrogance of a 13-year-old down right there.
What I don't understand is how Korra was able to go into the Avatar State at all. I thought she lost that ability after Harmonic Convergence. Even if it was just that she started a new Avatar Cycle, as was heavily pointed at by Raava from having to re-merge with Korra, that broke her connection with the previous Cycle…
As of the past few episodes, it's really been shown that Zaheer isn't necessarily all powerful and has been nearly beaten on several occasions with one on one fights. The issue is he doesn't fight fair and always gangs up on the people he fights.
I was kinda hoping that Jinora would get upset enough that she'd go Super Saiyan mode and bust out some crazy spirit-bending powers. Oh well, there's still time left in the season for that to happen.
I hope he actually gets convicted for this and has to go to jail. He's put people's lives at risk far too many times.
But, if everyone in the comments (and the reviewers themselves) are disagreeing with you, then why would that be true? It just means you hold a different opinion, but that most people still like the show a lot and it's not close at all to dying.
But, if everyone in the comments (and the reviewers themselves) are disagreeing with you, then why would that be true? It just means you hold a different opinion, but that most people still like the show a lot and it's not close at all to dying.
He probably passed a law while president that would allow him to (considering he passed a law allowing ex-cons to vote and all).
He probably passed a law while president that would allow him to (considering he passed a law allowing ex-cons to vote and all).