Sterling Archer

Love how every single response of criticism and response pointing out your not a real journalist is pending. The human psyche is truly fascinating, you honestly believe this would have been real journalism or some ground breaking story? The way you talk about it or should I say what you would have done with it, you

It’s so true, any other game that lies about content and shows “fake” trailers gets crucified but somehow those same people make excuses for this game. I honestly don’t understand.

Well your completely incorrect and your analogy makes no sense when you truly just stop and think. This company did not ask you for anything, the only people they owe something to is the or investors and Nintendo. Just stop acting like bc they showed a video that means they made you some promise you hold dear to your

The taken king was a massive success? I mean it was already a popular game but their player base plummeted and the taken king didn’t really fix that problem. I get it you have wasted your life away for 2000 hours on one game doing literally the same thing over and over again and you need to defend that. Let’s just be

Exactly the only Sony fan boys in the US are these supposed hardcore gamers that wish they were Japanese. You don’t have to be obsessed or even care about Japanese culture at all to be a die hard gamer.

Hah well that’s about the most ignorant comment I’ve seen yet. Microsoft financial downfall eh? They could take a loss on every console they have ever sold and it wouldn’t make a dent in the company. You do realize as companies Sony doesn’t even come close to comparing to Microsoft

What are you basing massive success off of? Obviously your a fan of the game but TTK is not a massive success. This game is not a success by the standard of the game they wanted to create and what gamers thought theyd be playing and it can’t be until destiny 2. When the division comes out their player base will take a